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30 Fresher's Night 2

Soft classical music floated in the air around the party building as two figures approached the front doors.

"What sort of music is this? Ugh!"

Hyun Jun said and draped his hands over his ears,

"I'm more concerned about why we're attacking these kids"

Trevor replied calmly,

"No reason bro. Just to show them who's boss in the school"


Trevor just shook his head softly.

"So how do we make our entrance? Flashy or low-key?"

They were now standing in front of the door that led into the party building.

"Let's just get it over with"

Trevor replied irritably,

A maniacal smile appeared on Hyun Jun's face and he said,

"I like it flashy"

[Borrowed Power: Amaterasu (goddess of fire)]

Hyun Jun spread his arms wide open and raised his head up as his eyes turned white and the hologram of a god dressed in a black armor that was covered in flames appeared over his head.

"Let's do..."

He lifted his right arm that was now covered in flames and punched the door.



The door exploded and everywhere was instantly filled with smoke.

"What the heck?"

"What happened?"

"Is something wrong?"

The students asked themselves as the smoke cleared slowly and they saw two young men standing in front of the door. One of them was a tall brunette with amber brown eyes while the other was short and had short black hair, he also had small eyes and a round face. They looked very different but their faces had one thing in common,

.....The hostility.

"Hello, freshers"

Hyun Jun said with a smile as he walked into the building with Trevor following shortly behind him, the flames on his hand had disappeared and his eyes were back to normal.

Green froze in fear as the door blew to uncountable pieces and two scary people walked into the room. He could see the magic aura on one of them but it was thick and colorless, the other one who seemed to have blasted the door didn't have any aura at all.

'Is he hiding his power like Mr Jack?'

Green thought in fear.

"I see you guys are having fun without me..."

He said and made a sad face, the face was so funny and stupid that Trevor facepalmed and the first years stared at him as if he was a lunatic.

"Who's this bastard?"

A loud voice asked from the first years, everybody turned to look at the person who dared to speak and they saw Ken sitting by the counter with a slender girl sitting on his laps.


Hyun Jun was shocked, a first year student dared to interrupt him when he was speaking, he was angry at Ken but he chose to hold it in.

"I said, 'who is this bastard?'"

Ken asked and roughly pushed the girl aside as he began to walk towards Trevor and Hyun Jun.

"See what I told you about showing them who's boss, Trevor?"

Hyun Jun said to Trevor as Ken walked furiously towards him.

Trevor's eyes shone in excitement and curiosity at the first year student who dared to talk back to someone who blew away a door.

"Are you calling me a bastard?"

Hyun Jun asked,

"Yes, what the hell are you going to do about it?"

Ken said and grabbed Hyun Jun by the collar and raised him up, since Ken had a huge and muscular body stature, he was almost twice as large as Hyun Jun who had a small stature.

"Oh my gosh!"

"What a hunk!"

"He's so brave"

Some of the first year girls cheered him on.

"Drop me"

Hyun Jun's two words carried a tone that sent chills down the spines of everyone that heard it. Green couldn't help but wonder whether the guy that Ken held was a student or an outsider.

Ken felt the danger in Hyun's words but he still held onto his collar because of the praises that the girls showered on him. A second later, he realized that this decision was one of the worst he had made in his life.

[Borrowed Power: Hygieia (God of fitness) ]

Hyun Jun's eyes glowed white and his right hand got suddenly covered with white energy that he used to punch Ken on the abdomen. The punch sent Ken flying across the dance stage and smashing through the back door that was just opposite to where they stood.

"Who wants to go next?"

The villainous smile was back on Hyun Jun's lips as he stood still with his right hand still outstretched.

"I'm out of here!!"

A student screamed,

That explosive display of power sent fear into the hearts of the students and they began to run helter skelter, the ones that tried to run away through the agape back door met the shock of their lives.

Standing at the door were a tall young man and a tall young woman, they could've seemed absolutely harmless except for the fact that there were red veins on their face that converged on their bloodshot eyes, their teeth also had fangs and they had claws on their hands in place of fingers.

From the front, Hyun Jun started attacking the students with sporadic random punches that made most of them unconscious while Trevor who was a mage with the wind affinity used his wind magic to toss students around.

From the back, Jason and Penelope jumped from student to student, sinking their teeth into their necks briefly to taste their blood and moving immediately to the next student to repeat the same thing. They were binge-feeding.

Fear gripped Green's heart and he tried to calm himself down to form his energy ball for an attack but the chaos in his mind caused by the noise around couldn't let him concentrate, his eyes were closed as he muttered incomprehensible words.

"Green... Green, let's get out of here"

Sam said as she tried to drag him along, students like Derek, Ryan, Laura and some other students had escaped during the chaos.

Green didn't seem to budge, the fear and chaos in his mind seemed to have left him paralysed and his legs collapsed under his weight, he seemed to be oblivious of her presence as he was still trying to form the energy ball on his palm. Though he could feel the energy circulating in his body, he was finding it very difficult to materialize it.

"What is this? Get up Green! Let's get out of here"

Sam screamed to him in panic,

Her screams weren't getting to him at all as he sat down on the floor with his eyes closed and his palms opened as sweat dripped down his face onto them. He suddenly felt a massive pressure on his heart as if his heart was absorbing the fear and anxiety of all the students in that room, he could hear his heart beating very loudly as if it would burst out of his chest, he felt as if his heart wanted to rip open and release something but that pressure was trying to keep it inside. The pressure did a bad job because a few moments later,the pressure gave in and he just had the sudden urge to scream.


Sam's words hung in the air as she turned and saw Hyun Jun in the air over them with his right hand covered in white energy drawn back for a punch.


Wilhelm's Office.

"Sir! Sir! There's a crisis in the school!"

Bernard reported to Wilhelm in his office,

"I know"

Wilhelm replied, he was actually watching the events unfolding at the school's party building where the first years were been attacked by the hell Hounds.

"It's the Hell Hounds sir, they're at it again"

Bernard reported,

"I know Bernard"

Wilhelm replied snappily, he seemed to be so engrossed in the video of the students.

"What do we do sir?"

Bernard asked,



Bernard couldn't believe his ears,

'Did sir just say that I should do nothing about the battling students?'

He thought,

"You heard me right Bernard, nobody should interfere in their myopic battle, I'm trying to figure something out, but stay close to them, in case anyone is about to get killed, you can rescue them"

Wilhelm said and told Bernard off with a wave of his hand.

"Okay sir"

Bernard replied and left Wilhelm's office.

"These hell hounds never cease to impress me, I'll make sure to retain them this year, they're very skillful..."

Wilhelm said to himself, suddenly there was a green flash, the camera feed went static and a huge explosion was heard.