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31 Fresher's Night 3

"Ugh! What happened?"

Sam groaned as she stood up from the floor where she was knocked to and began to walk towards Green,

'Damn! Did this kid just do that?'

Green was squatting on the floor with his head in his hands, everything around him had been blown away by the blast that he had released.

'The pressure... It's gone'

Green thought and clutched his chest tightly, he could now breathe easily. It was when he looked up and saw the damage around that he realized what he had done,

'Oh my God! Did I do all this?'

Lots of students were lying unconscious on the floor, most of the objects in the room had either been ripped apart or destroyed and the four attackers were still just starting to recover from the blast.

"Damn! Green let's get out of here!"

Sam said and pulled Green behind her as they ran out of the party building.

A lot of thoughts ran through her mind, like how Green was able to release a blast that almost injured her, who was a super DID.

'Man... This is just so confusing'

She thought.



"What the hell was that?"

Laura said and turned back to face the party building as she heard the explosion that rung out from there, her and Ryan had escaped when the hell hounds attacked them.

"It's probably nothing... Let's focus on getting out of here"

Ryan said and pulled her forward, he knew pretty well that even his DID wouldn't be able to face them.

"Getting out of where?"

They heard a masculine voice and spun around to face a tall muscular young man in a polished black suit standing in front of them. They didn't need anyone to tell them that the man standing in front of them was dangerous.

"Hey! Who are you? How did you get here?"

Ryan said and backed away from Drex with Laura behind him.

"Oh... Am I late to the party?"

Drex asked with a smile on his face and took a step forward, totally ignoring Ryan's question.

"Stay back! I don't know who you are but stay back!"

Ryan shouted at him as they continued to back away from him.

"Hey there pretty girl"

Drex said to Laura who scoffed and rolled her eyes at him, the smile was still on his face as he continued walking towards them.

"Don't come any closer or else..."

"Or else what? You're gonna hurt me?"

Drex said as he rudely interrupted Ryan and took another step forward.

Drex's blue eyes had already changed to a pale yellow hue and that smug smile still hadn't left his lips.

"Don't say I didn't warn you!"

Ryan said and closed his eyes and his fists as he attempted to switch with his DID but he was stopped by a soft hand on his shoulder. He turned to look at Laura who was smiling mischievously,

"Allow me to handle this one, will you?"

She said and walked forward towards Drex.

Ryan could've stopped her then but he allowed her to go because ever since the physical ability test, he had been itching to know how a girl with a small stature like her had been able to score a B+ on the test.

"Oh, you want to fight? I don't want to fight you here pretty girl, I'd rather fight you on the bed so let's allow this guy to take the beating for you"

Drex said, gesturing towards Ryan.

"Stop talking crap and get the hell out of here. It's two-to-one, you're outnumbered already"

Laura said with a disgusted face to him, trying to scare him away.


Drex laughed loudly and threw his hands up in the air. When he finished laughing, the expression on his face suddenly became stern and he pulled the tie that was knotted professionally on his neck.

"Even if there were a hundred of you, you can't hurt me"

"Well... Let's see if that's true"

Laura said and took an attack stance.

Ryan's eyes glistened in excitement, he would finally get to see the social defect of the daughter of the richest man in the world.


Derek stood with an expressionless gaze as his classmates fell around him, they were writhing and screaming on the ground in fear while a young lady dressed in a long dark purple dress with a pointy hat stood in front of them with a wand in her hands.

After they had all left the party building when the hell hounds attacked, they came across this strange lady standing in their path, her wand began to glow with a purplish hue amd all the students except Derek began to act like lunatics, while screaming and writhing on the ground. She had cast a 'fear spell' on them and that had made them to start having hallucinations of their greatest fears but what she didn't understand was why that hamdsome black haired student was still standing there as if he was totally unaffected by her spell.

'No... He can't be... If he is, then I'm in big trouble'

She thought then asked him,

"By any chance, are you a mage?"


Derek didn't reply her, rather he kept on staring at her with that cold, expressionless gaze that sent shivers down her spine.

'Fine! If you won't talk, I'll just get the answer myself'

Carly thought as she waved her wand and a streak of purple energy flew out from it towards Derek at neck-breaking speed.

[Flame Wall]

A wall of bright red flames appeared out of thin air and blocked the streak of purple energy.

"I knew it! You're a mage, that's why my fear spell didn't work on you"

Carly exclaimed as a nervous smile appeared on her face.

Ever since time immemorial, mages have always had a sort of magic resistance towards the magic of less powerful witches so most witches always turned the other way whenever they encountered a mage but Penelope wasn't one of those witches, she was quite confident that she would defeat Derek since he was just a year 1 student.

"I don't want to hurt you, just get out of my way"

Derek said calmly,

He actually left the party building because he didn't want to be caught in the crossfire, he wouldn't have minded fighting one of the attackers but they were four in number so it would've been a stupid idea to attempt to fight them since he was already outnumbered.


Carly laughed,

"You. hurt me? Did you hurt your head or something"

"Very well then, you leave me no other choice"

Derek said and his left hand went ablaze in dark red flames.

He jumped forward with full speed enhanced by his flames as he shot a huge blast of fire towards Carly.


She was surprised by the sheer speed and intensity of his attack but she wasn't taken by surprise because she took some steps back and swung her wand vertically releasing a streak of purple energy flew out and divided Derek's flames into two.

Derek showed no signs of stopping as he placed his hands together, bright red flames burning brightly on the right and dark red on the left then he said,

[Flame Cannon]

A huge gout of fire flew out from his hands in Carly's direction, destroying everything that was within a 100 metre distance.

He breathed softly as he brought down his outstretched hands and looked at the damage that he had caused, the grasses on the ground and some of the streetlights had been burned to the ground as a result of the flame cannon.

'Did I get her?'

He thought,

"Pretty impressive for a first year. What's your magic rank?"

Derek spun round towards the voice that asked him the question and saw Penelope floating in the air above him, she had obviously evaded his attack.

'She can fly?! What made me think that I could get her with that flimsy attack?'

He thought as he stared fiercely at her.

When she noticed that he wasn't going to reply, she added.

"Fine, since you're not going to tell me. I'll make my own move."

"Purple Cloud"

Carly said as the area around them darkened and a dark purple cloud appeared in the air. Derek gulped nervously as he saw bright purple flashes in the clouds.

"Now prepare your mind. You'll get hurt real quick now"