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38 Derek and The Hell Hounds Contract


The wind whipped cruelly against Derek's face as Jason appeared in front of him, his speed was inhuman.

"What the... What the heck?"

Derek uttered in a voice filled with terror as he took a step back.

"We haven't introduced ourselves now, have we?"

Jason asked in a deadly calm tone.

"Who... Who are you?"

Derek replied, he had seen many things at the Cameron mansion but he had never seen a student move as fast as Jason just did now.

"I'm Jason"

He extended his hand to Derek for a handshake,

"...and I'm the leader of the hell hounds"

Derek looked at the outstretched hand and thought,

'The hell hounds? Is that what they call themselves?'

Reluctantly, he shook Jason's hand and said,

"I'm Derek"

"Nice to meet you Derek, behind you there is my team, the hell hounds"

Jason said and Derek turned to face the others,

"I'm Drex, second in command"

Drex said and cocked his head to the side in a prideful manner,

"I believe we've met before Derek, I'm Carly"

Carly said and waved to Derek with extreme disinterest. Derek couldn't help but frown at Carly's malicious introduction.

"I'm Penelope"

Penelope chirped,

"I'm Hyun Jun and by my side here is Trevor"

Hyun Jun said and tapped Trevor lightly on the shoulder, he introduced Trevor himself because he knew that Trevor wouldn't say anything if he was left alone.

"Good, now that we've introduced our..."

"What do you want with me?"

Derek asked his question, hitting the nail on the head.

"Hehe pretty bold and blunt aren't you?"

Jason chuckled mirthlessly,

"Why don't we go somewhere more.... Private?"

"It's not like I've got a choice"

Derek replied,

"Smart kid"

Drex chipped in and they led him to Jason's room where they normally conducted their meetings.

Carly would've conjured a simple teleportation spell right there but teleportation was among the spells that were prohibited in the school.


Jason's Room,

"What is this?"

Derek asked as Jason passed him a single sheet of paper with some words typed on it.

They were all seated around the round table that was positioned at one corner of the room, close to the wall.

"Our request for you to become an underling of the hell hounds"

Drex chipped in,

Drex's words were lost on Derek as his eyes scanned the page...

Immunity from school authorities....

Opportunity to expand potential magic energy/ability....

Exclusive access to certain private buildings....

Occasional freedom to leave the school premises....

Blah blah blah...

"you just have to sign here"

Penelope said and pointed at the bottom left corner of the paper where the words, 'promisee's signature' was written.

'Tch! What a bunch of jokers'

Derek thought and slid the paper across the table back to Jason.

"I appreciate your offer but I decline"


The hell hounds all said almost simultaneously,

'What the hell is this guy talking about?

Doesn't he know who we are?

The hell hounds? The one and only delinquent organization that's able to strike terror into the minds of students when mentioned?'

Jason thought as he met Derek's expressionless gaze with a cold gaze of his own.

'What a stupid reason for bringing me up here.... What a waste of time'

Derek thought as he stood up from the chair.

"You f*cker!!! Do you know who you just rejected?!!"

Drex screamed in rage and raised his right arm to punch Derek but his arm was stopped in mid air as Jason held it from behind.

"Now, now Drex, we wouldn't want to hurt our hell hound candidate right?"

He said calmly as Drex reluctantly retracted his arm,

"Honestly, you always seem to surpass my expectations...."

Jason started,

'I always seem to surpass your expectations??? We haven't even met before today so what are you talking about??'

This was Derek's line of thought but he kept mute in order to hear what Jason had to say.

"...if it were the other students, they would've jumped headfirst like hungry wolves into the contract and signed it immediately but it seems you have a sort of dignity don't you?"

Jason finished,

"My rejection of this contract has nothing to do with my dignity. I don't work well with groups of people so I would really appreciate it if you and your team leave me alone"

Derek replied in a flat tone.

Jason smiled and lowered his gaze to the table,

"You can leave now, but remember, our offer is still open"

"I appreciate it but I don't think I'll be coming back here"

Derek said and moved towards the door.

"You sound so sure of yourself"

A calm voice asked from behind Jason,

Everyone turned to look at the speaker and they saw Trevor fiddling with a ball point pen with a look of disinterest clearly written all over his face.

"I actually am"

Derek replied with stopping and left the room.

"This kid!!"

Drex growled and slammed his fist on the table,

"How dare he reject us? The indomitable hell hounds"

"There's no need to fret Drex, even if he doesn't enter the hounds in our regime, he will surely enter during Trevor and Hyun's regime..."

Jason said finally.

In the hallway,

'Honestly, what do they take me for? An illiterate?'

Derek asked himself as he heard a loud growl and a bang from the room he just left,

'That wasn't really my reason for rejecting their pathetic contract.... Honestly, if it wasn't for that girl that pointed at the paper, I may have ended up signing myself a slave deal because right above the signature box, written in small letters that looked so insignificant were the words,

'The promisee loses all of his fundamental rights to the group and the group has every right to control each and every of his actions - This will be achieved using a blood contract'

'Pathetic! I can't believe they expect students to sign such a useless contract. If it wasn't for the fact that I'm trying to maintain a low profile here, I would've shown them the treatment people get for disrespecting a Cameron'

He thought as he left the building for his own dorm,

Staring at him from a window in the building was Carly with a curious expression on her face,
