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39 Visiting Day 1: Carl meets Wilhelm

Green woke up in the morning with a nasty sickening feeling in his stomach.


He groaned and rolled out of his bed, it was a Saturday so there were no classes and the students woke up later than usual.

After performing his morning hygiene routine with the persistent sickening feeling in his gut, he walked out of his room to meet a very unusual sight, there were students walking around while chatting excitedly about something, it was at that moment that he realized the reason why he was having a sickening feeling in his gut.

That day was no ordinary Saturday, it was the visiting day for the term and he hadn't slept properly the previous night because once again, he would be reminded about the fact that he had no family.


He exclaimed loudly and went straight to the gym for his morning workout.


The Visitor's Room....

The front doors flung open and a tall handsome man of about 6'3 dressed in a red suit walked into the room,



"Look at that skin!"

Parents and siblings who came to see their wards shamelessly whispered loudly as the man who was flanked by four muscular men dressed in black suits walked into the room and sat down on one of the empty seats for the parents.

Some people couldn't just stop staring at this man, he had thick auburn hair and cold orange eyes that looked like it could pierce even the thickest of criminals with the slight frown on his face that made him look extremely handsome.

The doors interrupted his admirers as a seductively dressed female teacher walked into the room, it was Iris.

Iris plastered a goofy grin on her face as she entered the room and walked up to the man who had just walked in, she tried her best to ignore the scrutinizing stares of the men in the room, she had intentionally worn a tight mini gown that barely made it halfway down her thighs and accentuated her curvaceous figure with a V neck that exposed a lot of cleavage. She knew fully well about the confusion that her dressing stirred in their minds and she loved it.

However, her dressing didn't go down well with the females who silently spat venomous words at her, she had to tone down her exceptional hearing ability but she still heard some like;

"I can't believe a slut like this is teaching here"

"What sort of example is she giving to the kids?"

Iris didn't really mind them though, she was only there because Wilhelm had told her to personally attend to whoever was in the car with the 'Cameron' plate number, it seemed that Wilhelm was expecting a messanger but things didn't seem to have gone as planned because the person who stepped out of the car was not a messanger but rather, the master of the Cameron family himself.

....Carl Cameron

"How may I help you sir?"

Iris asked nervously with a shaky smile on her lips, she was even finding it difficult to breathe well, this man was no pushover, he was certainly among her master's league.

"Derek Cameron"

He replied calmly, his voice was deep and coarse, scary enough to strike fear into the heart of a new born.

"Yes sir"

Iris replied and exited the room as fast as she could.

'Damn... No wonder Derek is so cold, his father is so.... Scary'

She thought as she walked towards the public address room to call Derek.

"Where are you going? I'm right here"

She spun around as she heard the familiar voice and saw her student, Derek in a black hoodie leaning by the wall with his hands in his pocket. She had just passed that wall seconds ago without noticing him.


She couldn't bring herself to speak before Derek asked,

"He's here right?"

"You mean your father? Yes, he's in there and he needs your attention"

Iris remarked shortly,


Derek said and walked towards the door,

'What a scary family....'

was all Iris could think about as she watched him disappear into the Visitor's room.

They stood a few metres in front of each, both with cold and deadly eyes,

"How are you doing?"

Carl's question was flat and lacked any emotion,

"I'm in perfect condition sir"

Derek replied promptly with his head hung down. It was an unforgivable offence to stare at the eyes of the master when he was talking.

"Any problems with the school?"

Another flat question came,

"No sir"

"Your academics?"


"Your gift?"


Gift was the code name for magic.

"Good. You look well, you may now leave"

Derek bowed stiffly and turned to leave quickly to hide his watery eyes and the burning sensation in his throat.

'Just like that? Just like that? He didn't even come because he cared about me.... Ju..'


Derek froze to a halt as he heard Carl call his code number, the one they used at the mansion.

"Have you forgotten your manners?..."

"I'm sorry sir. Thank you sir"

Derek didn't turn but he knew that Carl nodded and he quickly left the Visitor's Room and ran to the toilet to empty his eyes.

In this brief exchange, Carl's expression never faltered, the slight frown remained plastered on his handsome face even as he spoke, as if he was a mannequin.


Wilhelm's Office,


The telephone on Wilhelm's table jumped and vibrated violently.

Wilhelm picked it up and answered, he knew that it was Becky, his secretary because she was the only one who had the telephone's number.


Her stoic voice came promptly from the other end,

"Yes Becky"

He replied,

"There's a man here who wants to see you.."

"Who is it?"

Wilhelm snapped, there was never an end to the men who wanted to see him.

"He said his name is Carl Cameron"

At the sound of the name, Wilhelm's hand began to shake softly and the telephone fell out of his palm,

'C..c..Carl Cameron? What the hell is he doing here? I know he has a ward here but he doesn't seem like the kind of person to come down here in person'

"Sir? Sir? Are you still there?"

Wilhelm's line of thought was interrupted by Becky's worried voice over the telephone.

"Oh yes...yes please do let him in"

Wilhelm spoke into the telephone as he picked it up and braced himself for what was coming.

Shortly after, the front doors opened and Carl walked into Wilhelm's office, he had chosen to leave his bodyguards outside the door.

Wilhelm gulped nervously as the 6'3 mage with a very thick dark red aura sat down casually on the seat opposite his. The man sitting before him now was the second strongest man in the fraternity, he was not to be trifled with.

"Hello Wilhelm....

....long time no see"


Wilhelm chuckled nervously before replying,

"Yes Carl, can I offer you anything?"

"Oh, yes, some scotch would be nice"

Wilhelm nodded and went to the wine gallery at a corner of his office and produced a bottle of scotch that he placed before Carl with a cup made of pure diamond.

Carl didn't hesitate to help himself to the enticing drink placed before him, as he poured himself a cup, he observed Wilhelm's movements from his peripheral vision, his sleeves were folded up to his elbow and his collar was rough, his jacket looked a bit rumpled and he kept on tugging at his tie as if it was making him feel uncomfortable.

"You look stressed"


Wilhelm exclaimed, he didn't expect Carl to notice, after all Carl wasn't the type of person to care about anything or anyone so for him to come here in person, it only meant one thing, he had a request and it was so classified that he decided to relay it himself.

"Is it that obvious?"

Wilhelm asked,

"Why don't you take a break?"

Carl offered as he now leaned back and sipped his scotch.

"Just cut to the chase Carl, we both know you want something"

Wilhelm said as he returned to his seat,

A small smirk made it's way to Carl's lips but if disappeared as quickly as it had appeared and he said,

"Ah... Wilhelm the businessman... So uptight... Seems you already figured out my reason for coming here"


Wilhelm simply cocked his head to the side, urging him to continue.

"I need your help to complete a ten man party of not less than Light Proficient mages and ability users including you and I to clear a donjon that recently appeared in my territory... Currently I have 8 men, it's remaining only two spots"

"A donjon? Why did you meet me? The other members are much stronger than I am"

Wilhelm asked,

"Plus in addition, I have a school to run"

"You're my only option,Wilhelm. I haven't been able to get in touch with the other members and most of them went into hiding because of that bastard Jack"

"What's the rank of the donjon"

Wilhelm asked,


As if a bell rang inside Wilhelm's head, he sat upright and faced Carl with interest,

"Did you say SS+?"

"Yes Wilhelm"

'If it's truly an SS+ level donjon, then the chances of finding a seal inside it is 4/5... This is a blessing in disguise'

Wilhelm smiled maniacally but when he saw the pile of paperwork on his table, he sighed ruefully,

"As I said earlier Wilhelm, you need a break from this management stuff of yours. Take a break and come with me so that we can slay beasts, feel free to show your true nature without restrictions or fear. Come and take a vacation"

Carl's words sounded so appealing to Wilhelm's ears and he smiled broadly and said,

"Okay fine, I'll come"

"What about the last remaining spot?"

Carl asked,


Wilhelm placed his index finger on his glasses and closed his eyes briefly, he didn't have to think for a long time because the name appeared in his head like an ad,


"That one's not a problem, consider it done... But what about the TMA?"

"I simply bought the rights to the donjon but they have to assess my team before granting me complete access to it, so we all have to be in Fayne City by next tomorrow"

"Okay no problem"

Wilhelm replied,

"Alright... I'll be taking my leave now"

Carl said as he stood up and left Wilhelm's office.



As he was about to enter his car with his bodyguards, he heard a loud yell and he saw two students break out from the walls of a five storey building, one of the students held the other one tightly on the neck as they felll to the ground with a loud thud. On a normal note, Carl would've left as if it didn't concern him but this time, something piqued his interest, the student whose neck was being held looked awfully familiar.


Carl thought as he watched the students from a distance.