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40 Visiting Day 2: Drex vs Derek

The sound of the running tap filled the restroom and Derek washed his face with trembling hands.

"Don't cry... Don't cry. Be strong"

He muttered repeatedly to himself as he washed off the salty tears that had already begun to drop down his cheeks,

'Father.... What can I ever do for you to genuinely recognize me?'

Derek asked himself as he looked at his reflection in the mirror.

Expressionless, black eyes and spiky black hair that hung over his face on bangs. He could be considered quite handsome amongst his mates but that didn't matter to him, all he truly needed was for someone to acknowledge him and treat him like a human and not like an object as his father did.


The door to the restroom flung open and Drex walked in while smiling,

"So this is where you are?... You mannerless fool"

Derek didn't even turn to face him, he was busy inspecting his face on the mirror.


Drex exclaimed,

'Is this fool ignoring me?'

Slowly, he walked up to Derek and said,

"Do you even know who I am"

"Don't know, don't care"

Derek chipped,

"You know, you're quite cheeky for a first year... Someone needs to teach you a lesson"

Drex said with a maniacal smirk on his face,

"Why don't you buzz off? You're bothering me"

"Will anyone miss you if I kill you?"

Drex asked, his voice seemed calm but his eyes were telling an entirely different story, they were blazing with rage.


Derek kept mute and continued staring at the mirror.

"Fine, I'm fed up with this, you need to be taught a lesson"

Drex said and moved his right hand to hold Derek's arm.

"Don't. Even. Think of touching me"

Derek said coldly,

Drex's hand paused in the air and he burst into hysterical laughter.

"Hahahahahahahaha... I shouldn't touch you?! I shouldn't touch you?!"

Drex was laughing outwardly but deep inside, he was seething with rage.

'this guy's just a lunatic'

Derek shook his head softly and turned to walk past Drex but he suddenly felt a strong grip on his neck, wind whizzed past his ear and he felt his head make impact with a very thick wall.


'Shit! I didn't know he was this fast and strong!'

Derek thought and tried to resist the push but it was useless against Drex's iron grip. In that same moment, the wall that his head hit broke open and Derek felt himself falling in the air with Drex's hand on his neck.

'Shit! I went overboard with my strength'

Drex thought as Derek's body crashed through the wall and they fell down.

'If I hit the ground from this height, I'll die, I gotta do something.... I have to cast a spell to break my fall... But I have to do something about this guy first...'

Derek thought as light red flames engulfed his right hand and he placed it on Drex's face.


Drex yelled in pain and held his burnt face with his hands, by doing so, he left Derek to fall freely.

When they were a few metres away from the floor...


With bright blazing flames on his arms, Derek punched the air close to the ground and the impact of the flames with the ground pushed him away from the ground, enabling him to regain his balance as he landed on the ground with his feet.

"Now you've really done it..."

Drex growled as he removed his hand from his face to reveal the burns which healed instantly leaving his unblemished white face, he was now standing unhurt on his two feet after falling from a five storey building.

Derek's eyes widened in surprise and he looked up before looking at Drex again.

"Did you... Just fall unhurt from a five storey building?"

"You really underestimate me don't you?"

Drex asked as he flexed his arms,

"I'm so gonna kick your *ss"

"I'd love to see you..."


Derek's statement was cut short by the sound of the air whistling as Drex ran at super speed in a straight line towards him. The movement was so fast that Derek couldn't follow it with his eyes so he reflexively released a gout of flame from his arms but Drex breezed through the flames like they were nothing and delivered a precise and powerful punch to Derek's abdomen.


Derek screamed as the punch sent him sailing across the road and onto the side of a teacher's car. The windows broke as Derek hit the side and the car's alarm began to blare loudly.

Derek tried to stand up but he realized that there was no more strength in his arms and legs, Drex's punch had taken a lot out of him and it happened so fast that he wasn't able to protect his abdomen with his magic.

His vision became blurry as Drex began to walk slowly towards him while saying something, he could only make out a few words,

"....you know, you're quite weak to have such a big mouth..."

Drex's voice faltered in his mind as he faded in and out of consciousness.

'Fight.... Stand up and fight...'

Derek told himself in his mind but his body was very uncooperative, his legs and arms refused to budge as he lay helpless on the ground.

"Eat this"

Drex said and raised his leg to step on Derek's face but from his peripheral vision, he saw a flash of light and before he could dodge it, it struck him with intense power by the side of his ribs.


He yelled as the force of the energy pushed him five blocks away.

Derek's sight was still blurry and he turned to look at the direction from which the blast came...

The person had green hair...

green eyes... With hands outstretched forward...

Derek was shocked, of everyone he expected to save him, he didn't think it would be Green.

'Ahhh... There's nothing I can do about it now, my body hurts so much'

Those were his last thoughts before he lost consciousness....


Standing by his car, Carl hissed in disappointment and hopped into the car, he had watched the whole squabble from a distance.

'Tch! Derek is so pathetic, he's so lucky that he isn't at the mansion, I would've made sure that he starved for two weeks for failing to beat such a trifle opponent.... At this rate, I'll have to strip him of his '001' title...'

Carl thought as the black Mercedes Benz with the 'Cameron' plate number screeched out of the school premises.