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42 The Meeting @ Origami Hotel

Derek recovered quite quickly and was discharged the following day, during recess, he stomped furiously over to Green who was sitting at one corner, alone.


Derek's slapped his palm loudly on the table, attracting everyone's attention to them. Green, who was eating slowly, silently looked up to Derek's rage filled face and asked softly,

"How may I help you?"

Derek's face contorted in anger as he thought,

'Look at this fool acting all cocky just because he rescued me'

"Why did you help me? I don't remember asking for your help..."

He seethed,

"I didn't help you, my hand just slipped..."

He replied and returned his attention to his lunch,

"What sort of flimsy lame *ss excuse is that?"

Derek asked,

"You know what? I don't care, at least now, the both of us do not owe each other anything..."


Green paused his meal for a second as if he wanted to say something but on second thought, he swallowed his words and continued his meal.

Derek seemed to be enraged by Green's silence but he chose to conceal it and said softly,

"See you at the end of the term... I'll embarrass you and your stupid mentor"

Green just sighed and watched silently as Derek stormed away.

From the corner of his eye, he caught Ryan staring intently at him with a malicious gaze, Laura was sitting comfortably by his side so he assumed that they had reconciled but Sam on the other hand was nowhere to be found, her and Ryan were rarely seen together nowadays.

Without sparing them a glance, Green stood up and left the cafeteria.


Origami Hotel,

Fayne City,

Western Federation.

The flashy cars that were parked in and around the building premises, the superior architecture, the humongous size of the building, the beautifully decorated windows and walls, the neatly trimmed flowers that adorned the surroundings and the employees who were all dressed in classic black suits and ties made up a magnificent hotel environment. Even a newborn could tell that this was a place for members of the upper echelons of society.

A black limousine cruised into the hotel premises and slowed to a halt as a oddly dressed chauffeur in a long black garment came out of the driver's seat and went around the car to open the door for a man with a scarred and ugly face who stood at a height of 5'10. The people in the hotel couldn't help but stare admiringly at the man who just stepped out, he had a certain air around him that commanded fear and respect.

With a deep frown on his face and his long black garment that swept the floor behind him, he strode into the hotel's building to the lounge where Wilhelm had directed him to.

In the hotel's lounge,

Wilhelm was dressed in his multicolored suit and he sat resplendent on the comfortable seat with his golden colored cigarette stick in between his lips releasing puffs of smoke intermittently.

'Carl is unfashionably late today, I haven't seen him or any of his party members... Even Mr Bristene isn't here yet'

He thought with closed eyes as he inhaled the smoke from his cigarette.

Suddenly there was a slight commotion from the door because people seemed to be murmuring loudly. Origami hotel was always filled with big shots so if they were heard murmuring, it could be inferred that the president had stepped in. Wilhelm turned to look at the president but he was shocked when he saw that people were actually murmuring because of Tenebris.

Even Wilhelm himself couldn't help but admire Tenebris as he walked into the lounge and sat opposite him.

"Mr Bristene..."

Wilhelm said with a broad business smile and offered his hand to Tenebris for a handshake.

Tenebris just stared at Wilhelm's outstretched hand with an empty look and scoffed before saying,

"Keep the pleasantries to yourself, where is the team?"

"They aren't here yet... "

Wilhelm said while eyeing Tenebris' outlandish outfit.


He scoffed and sat on one of the empty chairs and much to Wilhelm's greatest bewilderment, Tenebris brought out a big brown cigarette from his pocket and started smoking it.

Wilhelm couldn't help but feel a twinge of pride in his heart for inspiring the habit of smoking in such a strong man.


Few minutes later,

Carl walked into the hotel lounge, following shortly behind him were eight other powerful looking men. Together, they all went upstairs into the VIP suite that Carl had booked for their meeting.


The room was dead drop quiet as the nervous middle aged waiter went from seat to seat, serving plates of buns and whiskey to them. Beads of sweat trickled down his forehead and his hand quivered violently, he feared that a single mistake he made there would cost him his job so he was very scared.

He clearly remembered how the manager of the hotel had warned everyone in the staff against offending any one of those men gathered in that room, he warned sternly that anyone who disrespected them in any form would be sacked and jailed instantly, the middle aged waiter hadn't taken the warning seriously and decided to serve them personally, but when he entered the room and saw the calibre of men in the room, his legs threatened to give up on him.

....Wilhelm Stubbe, multibillionaire entrepreneur who was also the fourth richest man in the world and also the owner of the prestigious Wilhelm Stubbe's high school for the social rejects that had reformed most social rejects into excellence.

....Carl Cameron, a multimillionaire who owned one of the biggest and most expensive houses in the world, the Cameron mansion

....Dr Kevin Kingston, a social reject who turned out to be one of the world's most proficient doctors in dermatology and osteology.

...he could also recognize a few famous and powerful faces but the other men whom he couldn't recognize looked powerful enough.

Tenebris chuckled at the man's fear, since he could read minds, he was well aware of the turmoil that was running in the waiter's head.

"Relax my friend"

Tenebris said and patted the waiter's back as he walked past him,

"We're not gonna eat you..."

The waiter tensed up as he felt the pat on his back and he forced a nervous smile but Tenebris' next word sent him scurrying out of the room like a rat.

With a sly smile, Tenebris added, "...yet" and burst into a hearty laughter as the waiter ran away from the room.

Carl gave Wilhelm a confused look and Wilhelm facepalmed at Tenebris immature behavior.

"Now now, let's begin"

A croaked voice said gently, the voice belonged to Wilson Whitman, a blind old white man with an 'Arrow Target' ability.

Tenebris stopped laughing and his face suddenly became very scary, the scar made it seem even scarier.

"Thank you Mr Whitman"

Carl started,

"I believe we all know what we're here for", they all nodded in affirmation and he continued,

"... But before we begin, it would be better for us to introduce ourselves and our magic ranks, elements and abilities so that we can know how to utilize every member to make a better team."

A soft breeze blew in through the windows of the room and the curtains danced in tune to the wind.

"... I'll go first" he continued,