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43 The Meeting @ Origami Hotel 2

A soft breeze blew in through the windows of the room and the curtains danced in tune to the wind.

"... I'll go first" he continued,

"I'm Carl Cameron, and I'm a thick proficient fire and lightning mage. I'm also the last wielder of the illusion eye..."

With that short precise introduction about his status, he kept quiet and looked over to the next person to make his own introduction.

The next person was a tall bald dark skinned man in his late twenties,

"My name is Alex Alexis and I'm a mid Proficient water and ice mage, I look forward to working with you all"

The next person was a chubby man who looked like he was in his mid thirties with blonde hair and hazel brown eyes that showed hints of perversions, there was also a permanent smug smile on his face.

"I'm Walter Wallace and I'm a mid proficient mage of the darkness element"

The next man was a tall and skinny white skinned man who looked like he was in his late twenties with long white hair and earrings, he was wearing a black garment with red designs on it. He seemed to have a graceful air around him as he spoke the few words of introduction,

"My name is Dickson Higgins, and I'm a magic swordsman..."

'What the....'

Wilhelm thought pitifully,

'What was Carl thinking when he recruited a swordsman for an SS+ level donjon raid? He'll be slaughtered in seconds'

Tenebris heard Wilhelm's thoughts but he knew that Wilhelm was wrong because there was something sinister about this magic swordsman, he clearly did not reveal all of his abilities... Maybe they'll find out during the raid.

The next person was a black haired man who wore googles and had the appearance of a man who was in his late twenties.

"My name is Dr. Kevin Kingston and my ability is 'Size'"

Size is the ability to increase and reduce body size and parts of the body, just like Laura Brickfield.

The next person was a short young man with black hair, a small round face and narrow eyes, he seemed to be the youngest in the room because he looked like he had just barely clocked adulthood.

"My name is Lee Min Sung and I'm a light Expert earth and vegetation mage"


Wilhelm screamed in his head as he turned and looked at the boy who wasn't older than twenty years but was already a light Expert mage,

'This kid must be a real prodigy... How did Carl find him?'

Everyone expected to hear the next person's introduction but after some seconds had passed that they didn't hear anything, they turned to look at the person beside Sung and saw that he was already fast asleep with his head leaned back.

"Hey you!!!"

Walter yelled,

"Get up and make your own introduction!!"

"How can someone be sleeping duri..."

Dr Kevin who was about to speak up suddenly found out that his mouth was moving but there was no sound coming out of it, in fact, no other sound could be heard in the room. Even their breathings couldn't be heard anymore and it was as if they were now a bunch of inanimate objects in the room.

"What's happening??!"

Walter tried to yell but there was no sound coming out of his mouth.

"Ugh... So loud..."

The young man who was asleep said drowsily as he stirred awake, his voice was the only sound that could be heard in the tranquil room.

Carl grinned evilly at the lazy boy who was siphoning all the sound out of the room and mouthed a statement,

"That's enough now..."

He yawned wearily as his eyelids tried to close themselves again and in an instant, everyone could hear the natural sounds in the room.

"Is the introduction really necessary, Lord Carl?"

He asked,

"Yes... So that we can know how best to work with each other"

Carl replied,

"But I don't want to work with anyone... I soloed an A+ rank donjon, don't you remember?"

He lamented,

"I know, but this isn't an A+ rank donjon"

"I know that too, that's why I want to go back to my bed"

He replied slowly, his speech was slurring as if he was drunk but that was just his own lazy way of speaking.

Carl stared at him threateningly and he groaned in exasperation and said,

"Fine fine, my name is Oliver Compton and I'm a quad elemental thick proficient mage of air, sound, earth and gravity"

Oliver was a young man of around 5'11 who had red hair that complemented violently with his bottle green eyes, he loved sleeping so much that he had once destroyed a whole building because someone woke him up from his sleep, but right now in the midst of strong people, he was quite docile.

The next person was the blind old man who had a slight frown on his face, looking at him, one wouldn't know whether his sightless eyes were open or closed, they were just narrowed into slits, adding more wisdom to his crinkled face. His voice quivered as he spoke,

"My name is Wilson Whitman and my ability is Arrow target"

'Much respect to you sir'

Wilhelm said in his thoughts, he couldn't look down on Wilson as he had looked down on Dickson and Sung because Wilson Whitman was among the first party to clear an S+ rank donjon in his era, a feat that could only be achieved by a handful of people. Even in his old age, underestimating him in a battle would be tantamount to death.

The next person was Wilhelm and he gave a professional smile and said briefly,

"My name is Wilhelm Stubbe and I'm a werewolf"

He chose not to mention his werewolf breed which was a white rabid because, a lot of people hated been around rabid werewolves, they could become crazy at any moment and tear away at the closest person. After giving his own introduction, Wilhelm brought his head down and looked at Tenebris from the corner of his eye, he didn't know what he was going to say, the man was so unpredictable.

Raising his scarred face to face the other nine men in the room, Tenebris started,

"My name is..."


Classes had ended for the day and Green was quietly walking out of the academic building when he heard someone shout his name, the voice sounded feminine.


He didn't turn around but rather continued walking slowly, he was so tired and he didn't want to aggravate his condition by indulging his classmates.


The girl screamed again,

'Wait a minute.... That voice sounds familiar'

All of Green's senses started tingling, prompting him to turn and face the person but his eyes widened in surprise when he saw the person running frantically towards him, it was Samantha and there was a frightened expression on her face that made him realize that something was wrong.

"S..Sam, what's wrong"

He managed to say as she reached him and placed her hands on her knees, trying to catch her breath.

"I.. it's...ry...Ryan"

She said amidst pants,

'Ryan?? What's wrong with him? ...wait, why am I even concerned? He hates me...'

"Why are you telling me? Go meet someone else"

Green said rudely and turned his back on Sam,

"...please Green, i know that you two aren't on the best of terms right now but I also know that you're not the type of person that'll abandon people who need help...please"

Sam's voice sounded really sad, it was obvious that she still cared about Ryan even though he didn't reciprocate the feeling.

Green hung his head in uncertainty, he knew that she was saying the truth and he also knew that guilt would plague his heart if he went back without attempting to rescue Ryan... even though they were rivals.

"Fuu... I might regret this but.... Take me to him"

Even amidst her pants, Sam squeezed out a smile of relief which was unusual and turned to lead Green to where Ryan was.