Not Their First Meet

They's eyes turned to the source of the voice.

Naomi turned and looked up as well. A set of questioningly eyes met hers and fixed them on them. He wearing white snelli and holding a stethoscope.

Naomi briefly held her breath. Why did she encounter him again?

The nurse yelled, "Doctor Aiden."

"What's this, why is there a commotion outside the nursery?"

When Aiden approached, he had one person in mind. He cocked his eyes.

"Naomi?" he questioned.

"We meet again, you're Naomi, aren't you?"

Aiden gave a small smile. He looked closely at Naomi, a look of perplexity on his face.

'Why she have on a hospital gown? Is she unwell?'

Silence. Naomi's mouth remained silent. The woman stood still as she briefly observed Aiden.

"Naomi, Can you hear me? Hello, Naomi."

In Naomi's direction, Aiden waved his hand.

One of the nurses said, "This madam is looking for the baby, Doctor Aiden."

"My daughter," Naomi mumbled involuntarily.


Aiden is aware. In front of the room, she was observing the infants in the incubator.

'Come on Aiden, she's married with a child as well. Ignore her.'

"I see."

To lighten the atmosphere, Aiden said, "So which is your daughter?"

Aiden approached. He followed Naomi's dismal, vacant look in that direction. Suddenly, the woman ceased speaking once more.

"We've enquired about it, but the madam won't identify the name her baby."

"Angela," Naomi retorted.

Naomi cut the nurse off, and Aiden looked at her.

Aiden asked, "Who?"

"Angelana Adams, that's my daughter's name," Naomi said.

Aiden scowled with perplexity. The baby's last name, feels familiar.

'Adams? There other any more have with the last name Adams? Did she wed an Adams? ' he thought.

Does Alfian Adams have other cousins? Only Alfian Adams he is familiar, because his old friend Alfian Adams, who also happens to be Airin's husband.

"My daughter was placed in this room three days ago, but she's no longer there. Where's my daughter?"

Since her daughter was born early and required an incubator for a prolonged period of time, Naomi's daughter was not born normally. She panics as she ponders why Alfian would have the heart to take Angel away.

"No way," Naomi mumbled to herself as she clutched her hair.

"Naomi," Aiden said.

She ignored him since her thoughts were making her feel too anxious.

"Naomi, just wait here while I ask the nurse," he said.

Naomi briefly felt confused. Her thoughts went slowly. She was unable to process Aiden's words. Angel, her daughter, who Alfian most likely brought, was the only thing she could think of.

"No!" Naomi screamed hysterically. She sped down to hallway. Aiden wanted to follow her, but a nurse stopped him and inquired about the infant's condition in the incubator.

Aiden inhaled deeply as he observed Naomi's back beginning to float away. He swung around to face the nurse.

"Let me know when you obtain the baby girl. If she's been moved, give me a copy of the data. Find out about the baby girl."


Naomi didn't count how many people she had run into. She simply went insane. Naomi was unable to picture her life without Angel.

Primary exterior door leading directly to the parking lot was opened her. Alfian had left Naomi's room two hours earlier, so Naomi hoped he was still there, though she wasn't sure.


Naomi's body stumbled backward. She landed on a strong, muscular shoulder.


Another man voice curse. Naomi was fascinated by his raspy, beautiful voice right away.

When she raised her head, a pair of piercing, pure gray eyes met hers. For a brief period, Naomi was silent.


Her heart in hard beat since she gaze that man. Naomi was unable to take her eyes off the image of Adonis, Greek god.

Her body almost collapsed back after she briefly held her breath. He is hansome, his brows were thick and arched. He had a solid jaw, white complexion, and a pointed nose.

She was quickly embraced powerful his arms. The man's muscular body was marked by the engravings, which Naomi could feel.

"What a hassle!! Use your eyes to see the road. What do you think this hospital and this road belonged to your ancestors?" he screamed angrily.

At first glance, the impression of being imprisoned was in stark contrast to the piercing shriek that was heard. Naomi realized right away, released the hug, and then softly bowed.

"I'm sorry, I was rushing."

Without receiving a thank-you, Naomi quickly returns to her starting point, where she look for Angel.

Naomi calmed the weird unrest that had been roiling her taking a deep breath. Strange odor came up right away. Naomi glared. She sniffed her sleeve.

Naomi speechless for a minute her mind was working quickly without her knowledge. The man she had slept with that night have this aroma.

Naomi hurriedly turned, but she didn't find he. It's unpleasant to feel.

This is what?

He is who?

Naomi's thoughts became immediately muddled. She was perplexed the numerous occurrences that occurred to her.

Could it be that the man same person who had slept with her seven months ago? Biological father of her daughter.

Quickly turning around, Naomi looked in all directions but the man was nowhere to be seen.

Naomi inhaled deeply. She though. How could a man this good-looking want having night with her. It was impossible because neither of them knew the other.

Just a coincidence, really. How many people on earth have the same fragrance?

Now what she needed right now was her daughter. She has to find her.


With a loud bang, Aiden's room door unexpectedly opened.

"Naomi?" he said reflexively.


The man who had just opened the door seemed immediately puzzled. His name has been a feminine name since when?

Aiden snorted softly as soon as he saw realized who was coming.

"When did you arrive, Saga?"

Saga-The man just stood there and gazed before sitting down on Aiden's couch. He gave a slow head shake before slamming into the plush sofa with his entire body.

"Saga!!" Aiden's voice sounded shrill this time.

Saga squirmed slowly, his feet having even crossed the edge of the sofa. He sluggishly opened his eyes and sent a glance Aiden's way, who didn't appreciate his coming.

"When did you come? You stated you intended to leave this country for at least 10 years, but it's only been a year. Why did you come back? Miss me, huh?" He teased Saga by arching his eyebrows.

Saga sneered, "You think I'm a crazy man? Tsk!"

"I know it. But, if you don't miss me, you miss Airin?"

Saga's lips did not make any noise.

Aiden slowly pursed his lips. He berated himself for being foolish and using the forbidden phrase. He ought to have been aware of the circumstances.

"Sorry, i did'nt."

"I'm just coming for a little bit. I'm returning to Switzerland tonight," he explained.

Aiden had a brief tremble. His attention returned to the jumble of papers lying around on his desk.

The tension was released when Saga declared, "I'm not going home after this."

To be continued....