Going to the Casino to Win Money and Change Cars

Sam looks proud

His parents' wealth was huge, with savings in the house and car of at least $10 million combined.

Sam also received a million-dollar start-up fund from her parents the other day, and the cheap car he now owns was purchased with the start-up fund.

Compared with many rich people, it is naturally not comparable.

But it is more than enough to compare wealth with Frank!

The average person does not necessarily have more than $300,000 to buy a car after graduation. Even people who have graduated for many years can only drive a small broken car.

Frank is the same in Sam's eyes. Want to drive a BMW? Dream it!

"What's there to show off." Joanna shook her head helplessly.

At first, she thought it was Sam who had a successful career, so she thought about getting in touch.

Only later did I find out that this Sam was just squandering the money given by the family, and everything was bought by the family.

And his so-called start-up company has not made a penny at all.

"Heh, better than this guy who can only work at a gas station!" Sam glanced coldly at Frank.

"Don't say that, it's all my classmates." Joanna defended Frank.

However, Frank didn't care. Instead, he looked at Sam and said with a smile: "Really? Better than me?"

"Am I not better than you?"

Seeing Frank like this, Sam was unreasonably angry.

A working boy at a gas station in a mere area dares to ignore him like this!

It's just that he didn't have time to get angry, and before he could say anything, another car drove over.

The same brand new BMW car, but this one is an eight-series, and the price is more than three or four times more expensive than Sam's three-series.

The assets of Sam's family are only ten million dollars, and it is impossible to spend more than one million dollars, one-tenth of the assets, to buy an eight-series BMW!

So, seeing this car, Sam just looked envious, and deliberately made fun of Frank: "My 3-series BMW, you have to work for 30 years before you can afford it, this 8-series, you are afraid to buy it. You can only afford it after working for a hundred years!"

"One hundred years?" Frank laughed without saying a word or explaining.

the eight-series BMW stopped, the driver's door opened, and a young man stepped down from it.

I saw him with a face full of respect, politely came to Frank's side, and handed the key with both hands: "Boss, I have cleaned your car, and the car is also sprayed with a little fragrance , Absolutely not a speck of dust!"

"Fortunately." Frank took the key, then looked at Sam playfully: "What did you just say... a hundred years?"

"Is this your car?" Sam paused, then his pupils shrank in surprise.

Is this guy so rich?

A person who can drive a million-dollar car must have at least ten times the assets!

In other words, does this Frank have tens of millions of dollars in assets?

This is too exaggerated!

"This car is normal, I'm going to change it." Frank replied casually.

This BMW, which is only a million dollars, is too business-like to drive, and it is not suitable for a young man like him.

As a young man, he should be self-confident and assertive, rather than being fettered by the world!

The tens of millions of dollars in Bugatti Veyrons, Lamborghinis, and Maseratis are great to drive.

With that in mind, Frank still wants to play with a sports car.

Making money is really not too difficult for the current Frank.

It's really not possible, just contact the luxury car 4S shop and ask the manager for one.

I believe that when the time comes, the store manager will be very willing to send a car for Frank to keep a secret.

"Is this car normal?" Sam paused, even less so.

For Frank, an ordinary car, he can't even afford it!

And just now, he was actually self-righteous about his ordinary three-series BMW.

"So, don't you work here at the gas station?" Joanna was also slightly surprised, and her eyes stayed on Frank for a moment.

A gas station worker, naturally, can't attract her attention, but a young and promising man is different.

A million-dollar car is not a real luxury car, but being able to drive such a car at this age means that this young man has huge potential in the future.

For a time, her interest in Frank was also much higher.

Her big enchanting and sexy eyes lingered on Frank for a while.

After looking at it secretly, Joanna realized that Frank was really attractive.

Black eyes, combined with low-key clothing, are very attractive, as if you look at them more, you will fall into it.

When I was studying before, I didn't realize that he was very handsome.

Joanna was a little shy, and her face was a little red.

"Of course not." Frank smiled casually and asked more: "Where are you going?"

"He said take me to the casino to play." Joanna lowered her head and replied softly.

"Yes! Casino!"

Hearing this, Sam shuddered.

This Frank just now made him lose a little face. If he didn't make some trouble for Frank, it would be too cheap for him!

And the casino is the place where you can cheat Frank!

Newbies go to the casino, only to be slaughtered!

So, he greeted warmly: "Frank, do you want to go and play two games?"

"Going to the casino?" Frank rubbed his chin.

Coincidentally, he wanted to change his car, and he was thinking about how to make money just now...

Now is the chance!

Casino is the fastest place to get money!