Big Casinos Rich Money

"Yeah, you are so rich, don't you dare to play in the casino? Do you dare to try?" Sam was afraid that Frank would not agree, so he provoked again.

"Okay, since you said so." Frank sensed a hint of Sam's conspiracy.

But what's there to be afraid of?

Go and see what tricks Sam wants to do.

"Okay, let's go!" Sam greeted.

After filling up the gas in his car, he opened the door of the passenger seat, reached out his hand very gentlemanly, and greeted Joanna, "Joanna, get in the car and leave."

"No need." Joanna smiled apologetically, then fell on Frank with affectionate eyes, and smiled sweetly : "I'll take your car."

She didn't want to be in a car with Sam anymore, but Frank was more attracted to her.

"I want to get in the car by myself." Frank is not as gentle as Sam, and he even opened the car door for Joanna, but he just got in the car and sat down on his own.

"It's rude." Joanna pouted slightly.

Usually other men treat her in the saddle, but this Frank doesn't seem to care about her.

With a little resentment, she opened the door of Frank's co-pilot and got into the car.

Then, the car drove away.

"You guys!!" Sam gritted his teeth, even more anger in his heart.

This Frank, not only made him humiliated, but also dared to hook up with the woman he liked!

He made an appointment a dozen times, and the girl who finally made an appointment actually took the initiative to get into someone else's car!

This disparity in treatment is simply pissing him off!

Furious, he hurriedly drove to catch up with Frank in front.

And the casino the three of them are going to go to is a large rich gold casino in the city.

Although not the largest, it is also the top three in the city's casinos.

The daily turnover of funds can reach 100 million US dollars.

To put it badly, don't look at the little spare money in Sam's hand, even if he gambled all his parents' tens of millions of dollars, and threw them into this casino, he couldn't hear a sound.

Crown Entertainment Club, in terms of scale, is already not small.

There are five floors in total, and each floor occupies the same area as a medium-sized shopping mall and can accommodate thousands of people.

On the first floor, is the place where the bar dances , young men and women come and go.

The second floor is where KTV sings, and you can still hear the singing faintly .

On the third and fourth floors, there are baths, massages, and small rooms. As for what they are used for, basically every man understands.

The last fifth floor is the casino.

It can be said that in terms of the speed of making money, even if the Crown Entertainment Club is ranked in the city, it can still be ranked first, and it is definitely not worse than real estate and the like.

Among the five floors, the most profitable one is undoubtedly the casino on the fifth floor.

There are too many bosses and wealthy businessmen in the city, spending a lot of money here.

There are also gamblers here who only have a little money left, desperately trying to survive, and finally become rich overnight.

After the three of them arrived at the casino, although Sam was full of jealousy, he still managed to hold back his anger and lead the way.

Anyway, I'll see if Joanna stays with Frank when he loses everything and loses his temper!

Sam thought to himself.

When I entered the casino, I just stepped in.

Frank heard, in addition to the crackling sound of the gaming equipment, there was a thick whine.

Dice: "I'm so tired, I've been rolled around tonight - more than 2,000 times."

Poker: "I'm not tired, but I'm so miserable. I threw me into the trash after one use, and cried...Fuck, fuck, don't spit..."

Chip: "I'm even worse. Just now a fat man was so happy that he won money. He kissed me a few hundred times - I'm not clean anymore, woo woo ..."

Playing card 9 of hearts : "Brothers, I found out that this guy is cheating - he actually hid me in his sleeve and showed his face with an ace of spades, I'm so bored!"

Poker Ace of Spades : "Don't worry, brother, I just saw a security guard approaching him, this guy will die soon!"

The man's clothes: "Don't wait, I see the security coming."

"Dare to make small moves? Come with us."

The three of Frank walked in and saw a man with a bruised face being beaten out by two security guards. The end was extremely tragic.

"Hey, you can't cheat here, so many people are watching. If you dare to cheat, you might get killed!" Sam deliberately introduced Frank to Frank, wondering if he could scare Frank first.

However, he glanced at Frank and found that Frank's expression was still unwavering, not frightened at all.

The three entered and stood in the lobby of the casino.

There were two women who were wearing cheongsams, tall and straight, fair-skinned and beautiful, and looked to be only 18 or 19 years old, so they greeted the guests.

They all had sweet smiles on their faces.

This is a feature of Fortune Casino. Basically, every guest who comes in to play can pick one or two beauties to play with.

The more the guests win, the more tips these guests usually give.

If the guests lose more and the casino earns more, they will also give these beauties a corresponding commission.

Even if you can talk well, or if you spend a lot of money , you can directly bring these beauties to the private room on the fourth floor to play with them for a night.

Sam has long been full of the beauties and wants to try the taste of the beautiful welcome here.

However, the amount of money he usually plays is only around tens of thousands of dollars, and this amount of money can't take away a beautiful welcome.

At least in the casino, you can bet millions of dollars in running water before you can take the beautiful welcome to the fourth floor to play.

"Sir, do you need someone to accompany you?" A beautiful woman approached Frank and his friends with a wink and asked softly.