The manager is also correct!


Hearing Frank's order, Derek raised his hand again and swung it down!





There were four loud slaps again, very clear.

With Frank watching from behind, Derek didn't dare to weaken at all, and he clap desperately.

The faces of the four salesmen were completely swollen and red on both sides, and Derek's hands were a little numb.



They also wanted to beg for mercy.

"Clap again!" Frank's voice came again.

"Yes!" Derek raised his aching palms again.

pop ... pop ...


After these four loud slaps, the four of them faltered and stuttered, and their entire faces were swollen like a pig's head.

When they looked at Derek again at this time, there was already fear in their eyes, and even Derek's nephew didn't dare to make friends again.

"Okay, go ahead." Seeing that the four were no longer arrogant, Frank was reluctantly satisfied.


Derek gave the four people a distressed look, but he couldn't help, he couldn't help.

Then Derek shouted again: "Where's the security? The security is here for me!"

Soon, several burly security guards came directly here, stood still and stared at it, full of might.

paralyzed on the ground , drag me out! In the future, they will not be employees of the store, and they are not allowed to enter!"

Derek was ruthless and spoke directly, leaving no way out.

"Manager, manager, please forgive us!"

"Don't leave us alone."

When the four of them heard this, they all came to their senses and began to beg for mercy.

Not at all the arrogant and domineering look just now.

This Derek, didn't joke with them at all!

It actually came true!

Unfortunately, it's too late.

Jack, too, was raised from the ground by two security guards.

His eyes were filled with endless resentment, and he looked at Frank without saying a word.

"Get them all out!"

Derek waved his hand.


A group of security guards carried these people and dragged them out of the exhibition area directly to the door of the store .

And their begging for mercy is getting smaller and smaller.

Dozens of other salesmen watched, only to feel panic in their hearts.

Inside, a person sneaked out, and in a place where no one was there, he couldn't help laughing secretly.

She was Ariel who received Frank in the first place!

Usually in the store, everyone is actually busy, only those four people keep bullying her!

In the past two months, she was almost bullied badly, and every day was better!

Now that she saw these four people, she was finally punished, and she only felt relieved!

she is so happy that I sell a car and get a commission. she can't wait to rush up and give Mr. Frank a big like!

"So, are you satisfied?"

Derek came back to Frank and smiled hypocritically.

"I am very satisfied."

This result, Joanna is very satisfied.

Of all the people that should be learned, not a single one was missed.

"One more person." Frank just flicked a finger.

"Also? Who?" Joanna blinked , puzzled.

"And this one." Frank walked up to Derek with a smile.

Even though their salespersons were hateful, if they didn't have the support of Derek behind them, they wouldn't be so arrogant and domineering.

Even if Derek hadn't turned a blind eye, there wouldn't have been so many deceitful employees coming in.

"Mr. Frank, do you want to..."

Before Derek could finish speaking, Frank's raised palm landed on Derek's face.


A loud slap in the face suddenly made everyone in the audience tremble.


Several security guards who had not left immediately roared.

His own manager was beaten, is this still good?

Derek was slapped and stunned, and after a moment of stunned, anger rolled on his face.

" Fuck!" Derek gestured to fight back.

"I'll pay a million dollars for this slap!" Frank just gave him a cold look.

"Hey, stop for me!"

Derek stopped immediately.

And the security guards running next to him were all stopped by him.

"Now...the second million dollars!"

With a playful smile on Frank's face, he raises his hand to Derek's face again.

Everyone, I just feel that the entire three views have been subverted!

Derek, just helped this man teach a few salesmen a lesson.

In a blink of an eye, even Derek became the target of beatings!

You must know that there are more than a dozen security guards in the entire store, how could it be possible for someone to make trouble.

As long as Derek said a word, the security guards would swarm to stop Frank.

But - Derek didn't say a word!

Gritting his teeth, he received a slap, and now he is about to receive a second slap.

What the hell is going on in this world!

in the eyes of the crowd.

Frank's slap fell again.


Another dull sound.

Frank's strength is much stronger than that of Derek in his forties.

This is the second slap, Derek's face is twisted, and there is a trace of blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

"Don't worry." Frank sneered and raised his slap again: "You still owe me... Eight million dollars!"