No one in my house marked




Another violent three-slap.

A sound is louder than a sound!

Derek's face was not only swollen, but his teeth were loose, and the blood on the corners of his mouth became even thicker.

It's even worse than the few salesmen who were beaten by him just now .

"Derek... offended someone?"

The people below only felt a chill in their hearts.

Obviously the security guard is beside him, no one dares to move!

All can only watch Derek get beaten!






Another five loud slaps sounded.

After the last five slaps, Frank also stopped and rubbed his numb and sore hand: "10 million dollars is used to pay for the ten slaps, and you have earned it."

"Clear the road, I'm going to drive away."

Frank pulled Joanna and left a message that he was going to the Aston Martin exhibition area.

"This..." Derek 's face was swollen , and he could only speak with difficulty: "Mr. Frank, So can you forgive us now?"

"My car." Frank took out the Range Rover contract he had signed.

It was this contract that directly forced Derek to deal with Jack and the four salesmen.

It's because of this that even if Derek slapped him in front of all his subordinates, the other party wouldn't dare to resist!

However, it really didn't work .

Frank reached out and handed the contract to Derek.

Derek's eyes were full of tears, and after a lot of hard work, he finally got the contract back.

He hurriedly reached out to pick it up and got a corner of the contract, but Frank didn't let go.

"Remember, but don't let me walk away, and those garbage will be recruited by you again... Otherwise, I will be very unhappy."

Frank's tone was cold, his eyes fixed on Derek with a chill.

It was still daytime, and Derek only felt a chill down his back.

He couldn't help swallowing.

This Mr. Frank is definitely not a person to be provoked!

If you can trick him the first time, if you want to trick him the second time, I'm afraid it will be too difficult.

If there is a second time, it is not something that can be solved with a few slaps...

After thinking about it, Derek nodded again and again, but it was just a swollen pig's head, looking particularly funny.

"Remember to return the money to me."

Frank let go, and Derek took over the contract.

Although there is no need for this store to return three cars, there is still one refund that cannot be return.

After finishing speaking, Frank left with Joanna.

Derek, on the other hand, held the car purchase contract and almost cried with joy .

It's not easy.


Several security guards came over and looked at the manager who was crying while holding the contract, with mixed feelings in his heart.

Some of the more loyal ones even patted their chests and said politely, "Don't cry, manager, I'll beat that guy right now !"

"Fuck you ! "

Derek wiped the tears from his face, then glared at the security guard before scolding, " You're all deaf? Didn't you hear that Mr. Frank was going to drive out? Clear the way!"

"Yes Yes."

The security guards all dispersed like the frightened monkeys.

In the Aston Martin exhibition area, Frank and Joanna had already gotten into the car.

The fully wrapped seat, not only the main driver's position, but also the co-pilot position is extremely comfortable.

"Let's go."

Frank pressed a button to start, and the car instantly burst into a roar like a beast, full of power.

Aston Martin Valkyrie: "Finally, I haven't screamed for a long time! Finally I can hit the road!"

"Take it easy, there's a speed limit outside." Frank rolled his eyes at the car.

A car is a good car, but it needs to go to a better place before it can be deployed.

There is a big road outside, how can such a top-level sports car be allowed to run away? It's impossible!

By this time, the security guards had cleared the way.

An empty road leads from this exhibition area directly to the gate.

Whether it is the customer or the salesperson here, they all look at this side with envy.


Frank stepped on the accelerator lightly, and the car felt a push on his back, and the whole thing rushed out.

In the envious eyes of everyone, he left the store.

"God bless, the plague god is finally gone." Seeing Frank leave, Derek only felt extremely comfortable in his heart.

At this time, an employee slowly came over and said softly: "Manager, your nephew and the others are waiting outside the store now, saying they want to come back to work..."


Derek remembered Frank's advice just now, and couldn't help shivering, then said with a stern face : " Let them all get out of the way! No more affiliates are allowed in the store in the future!"



Frank drove Joanna around the street a few times.

The unique shape and the sound of the wind attract many people to stop and watch at every intersection.

Some young girls even wanted to dump their boyfriends next to them and jumped into the car to get to know Gao Fushuai.

"You taught the manager a bad lesson too." Joanna sighed with relief, evidently in a good mood.

Frank gave all his breath this time.

She knew that with a bad character like Frank, how could he settle down and choose to bow his head to Jack!

"why don't teach him a lesson?" Frank chuckled.

Joanna smiled back, then winked again : " What are we going to do now?"

"Now." Frank glanced at the time, it was already more than five o'clock in the afternoon, and it happened that it was almost time for dinner .

Joanna accompanied him all afternoon, and it was not too much to ask for a meal.

So he smiled and said, "Let's go eat."

"Eat?" Joanna suddenly lowered her head slightly, with a shy and complicated look in her eyes, and said gently, "I'm very good at cooking... Why don't I go back to my house and make two for you to try..."

"Do not..."

Frank instinctively wanted to refuse, but it wasn't that he was not optimistic about Joanna, but he was also reluctant to let Joanna get caught in the fumes on purpose.

"My parents are not at home..." Joanna blushed and added with her head lowered, she looked like a red apple to be picked.

" No ... how about trying your craft!" Frank immediately changed his tune.

The beauty was next to him, and the gesture was so obvious. If he didn't move, would he still be human?

So he kicked the accelerator, turned the car, and headed straight for Joanna's house.