Have a good night together!

Joanna's house is a three-story small western-style building with a yard, and the community where it is located is basically such a house.

According to the house price here, and the area of such a house.

A set should be close to 10 million US dollars!

It's a veritable wealthy neighborhood.

A luxurious Aston Martin sports car, parked in front of Joanna's house.

Inside, there was a creaking movement that lasted from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.…

In the room, the sound that lasted for two hours stopped for ten minutes.

Joanna's hair was messy, she limped to the door of the room, and complained back , " It's all your fault... It's so late..."

"I'm going to get you some dishes, just eat here."

After speaking, Joanna opened the door and walked out.


Frank stood up too, looking back at the messy headrest sheets behind him, and some blood was falling.

The school's flower, the goddess recognized by all the boys in the school, still maintains a pure body.

Conquering the recognized goddess of the boys in the school, this feeling - not bad!

Frank smiled and got dressed.

That little girl is still in pain. It's only two hours for the first time, and most people can't bear it at all.

That is to say, Joanna has regular exercise and good physical fitness, so that she can persevere.

But even so, if he didn't take care of it, it would be bad if he fell.

After getting dressed, Frank also went out to accompany Joanna.

In the kitchen, although Joanna is a little inconvenient, her cooking skills are not bragging.

Half an hour later, several simple and exquisite dishes were placed on the dining table.

"Eat." Joanna filled a bowl of rice, took chopsticks, and handed it to Frank.

"It's really time to eat more bowls, I just consumed too much." Frank took it and ate it directly .

"Nonsense." Joanna blushed and couldn't help rolling her eyes at Frank again.

However, at this time, after she has experience, she is not as pure as the lily-like sunshine before .

the contrary, there was a hint of coquettishness, which was even more seductive.

Frank gulps down his meal, wondering if he should revisit it later.

It's just that Joanna ate a few mouthfuls with her, and the phone next to her suddenly rang.

When she picked it up, she looked a little nervous, made a booing gesture to Frank, and whispered furtively, "It's my mother, don't make a sound."

Although she was impulsive, she called Frank home and handed herself over.

But she was not so cheeky yet, and let her parents know at once.

Frank cooperated quietly.

It would be troublesome if it was discovered that the Chinese cabbage, which was well-raised by others, was found.

After taking a deep breath, Joanna, with a guilty conscience of being a thief, pressed her nervousness and clicked to answer.

"Hello? Mom?"

Joanna listened to the movement on the phone, and there was a lot of noise.

"Joanna, come and have a look, your dad seems to have been deceived and is making trouble now!" A woman's anxious voice came from over there.

"What's wrong?" Hearing this, Joanna couldn't care less about being shy and nervous, and asked in a flustered tone.

"Hey, come here quickly, you are well-informed, but you can't make your dad be too impulsive!" The other side said anxiously, and said the location.

"Okay, I'll go take a look."

After finishing speaking, Joanna hurriedly hung up the phone, and then looked at Frank apologetically: "I'm sorry, my parents seem to be in trouble, I want to go and see."

After speaking, Joanna stood up and took a step to go .

Just in a hurry, I forgot that my pain had not subsided, and suddenly cried out in pain, and the whole person leaned to the side and was about to fall.

"Be careful."

Frank stood up and supported Joanna. He said helplessly, " Where do you want to go? I'll take you there."

"This... ok"

Joanna didn't want to bother Frank so much, she was shy that her parents saw Frank.

However, she is indeed inconvenient to move.

If I go alone, I'm afraid there will be more jokes.

So after hesitating for a while, he nodded and agreed.

"Then let's go."

Frank took the car keys and helped Joanna out the door.

After the car started, Joanna gave the location, and her parents are now arguing with people at the Emerald Antique Store on Antique Street.

The Antique Street is regarded as a characteristic street in the city.

There are shops selling antiques, antiques, ancient calligraphy and paintings.

In addition to the normal sale of antiques and antiques, there are many people who like to pick up leaks, and use it as a means of making money to find antiques and antiques from a pile of groceries.

Frank drove the car to an antique street.

After parking the car, neither of them knew the location of the Emerald Antique Store.

When I was about to ask someone to ask, I found that there was a store not far away, and many people were gathering to stop and watch.

There was also a constant noise inside, and when I looked up, the sign on it was the Emerald Antique Store!

"Let's go take a look."

Frank walked over with Joanna.

Before we got there, we could already see from a distance that a couple and the owner of the store were arguing fiercely.

Suddenly, the man in the couple saw his daughter coming from a distance, and he hurriedly greeted: "Joanna, come and help you dad me, this profiteer has deceived me badly!"

"Let's go take a look."

Joanna was anxious and wanted to walk over.

Frank supported her.

Joanna's parents saw a man next to their daughter. They were angry and suspicious.

"Joanna, who is this? Why are you lame walking?"

Joanna's mother, Evelynn, frowned slightly.