Plans for girls' future

The next morning Aegon got up with a smile on his face, he took a good look at Rogue's bare bottom, he took a deep breath feeling proud of himself, and with his hands joined in the form of prayer he once again thanked her. goodbye.

He had never thought that he would become such a devoted man.

He went into the kitchen and ate a slice of pizza left over from the night before when he'd ordered it while Rogue took a break. That girl had wanted to experiment a lot and Aegon had not refused.

Everything was wonderful and he was thinking of waking Rogue up and seeing if she could go for another round, but he felt people he knew very well approaching his apartment. It was then that he remembered that he had told the girls that he wanted them to meet up early on Sunday.

He now was annoyed.

The girls had keys to the apartment so he didn't have to open the door for them. By the time he approached them they were already in the room, he was momentarily surprised when he saw Gwen among the girls, but he was glad that was the case. He was about to approach and greet them when a voice was heard.

"Aegon. Where are you?" He called her Rogue as she walked out of the room wrapped in a sheet.

Aegon froze and they all stared at him intently, he could almost feel the bloodlust coming from them. But it only lasted a few seconds, after which they seemed relaxed and this was super weird.

"I assure you there is an explanation, but how come you are so calm?" He couldn't help but ask, right now was when they began to yell at him for being unfaithful.

"Well, it's Rogue," Felicia replied. They could tell by the look on Aegon's face that he didn't understand what they were talking about so Jessica clarified. "We already expected something like this, the only thing that surprises us is that it hadn't already happened."

Oh, excellent. He thought with relief that now he wouldn't have to hear a sermon. But there was still someone upset.

"Wait a minute. How come you guys are so calm?"

MJ was the one who answered him. "Gwen I think they already said, it's Rogue."

"That's not what I mean, even I was expecting myself to fall victim to his clutches. What I want to know is how is it that everyone is okay knowing what they've been up to? It's pretty obvious."

Now they all understood and remembered that they hadn't updated Gwen on everything that had happened in the last few weeks.

They all looked at Liz hoping that she would be the one to explain. Liz just sighed seeing the problem that had been left for her. "Gwen, there's something we forgot to mention. We've all already taken that step. That's why we're not upset."

Liz's words left her open-mouthed and then she was trying to get some words out, but she didn't know what to say, all the girls were trying to contain their laughter.

Finally, Gwen came back to reality. "Does that mean I'm the last one?" Her words sounded like that of a person who had had something important taken away from them.

Rogue interrupted the moment. "I think I'd better get dressed, I almost have to go back to the academy." She then looked at the other girls. "I guess I'm one of you now."

They all welcomed Rogue, even Gwen who was still a bit depressed. A few minutes later Rogue left. She didn't want a bunch of X-Men showing up looking for her.

After Rogue left they all took their seats. Gwen was the first to speak. "You wanted everyone to gather here today, even though I thought it wasn't to introduce another girl."

"It's because she isn't," Aegon replied.

"Oh, anyway, before you say what you want to say, I want you to please listen to me for a moment." Seeing that Aegon remained silent, she continued.

"First of all, I'd like to apologize to everyone and especially to you, Aegon, I know I didn't react in the best way and walked away without more or less." Gwen looked genuinely apologetic and Aegon was savoring his mouth at the thought that a new delicacy had been added to the menu. It was the only thing he could think of at the moment.

"Gwen you don't have to apologize, you will only make us feel bad, none of us have thought anything bad about you and we understands that what I said that day was something quite difficult to deal with, especially for you. I knew you could have That kind of reaction I even thought it was possible that you would never approach me again or even report me to your father."

"No! I wouldn't do that!" Gwen cut him off immediately. "Yes, I didn't know what to do at the time and I have been for all this time, but I never thought of something like that. I still love you, that hasn't changed."

"So I can assume you forgive me?"

"Aegon, there is nothing to forgive, I wish something like this never happened, but I know you did it to protect Jessica, and deep down a part of me can't help but feel relieved that you made it in time."

"Jessica that day I left when she should have supported you after the cruel time you went through."

"Gwen, Aegon already told you, nobody's upset with you. Now we're all happy you're back." They all came over and gave her a group hug, Aegon being the last.

"Aegon we're being serious here, so he stops trying to put his hand down my pants."

"Hahahaha, it's something I can't help if I have them so close to me." Before removing his hand from Liz's bottom, he gave her a good squeeze.

"Come on, let's sit down, there's something I want to talk about, MJ I'll ask you to order something for lunch."

"To the order."

"I think some of us should learn to cook," Jessica mentioned quietly. Liz just gave him a look. "Speak for yourselves."

Followed by Liz it was Gwen's turn. "It's not much, but I think I can hold my own."

"Hey we're getting off-topic, another day you can cook something for everyone," Aegon told them. "Besides, the only dinner I need from you is your body."

Neither was surprised by such a response, this was the unfaithful and brazen pervert they had fallen for.

"The reason I decided to meet today is to talk about a very important topic, your future and the possibility of obtaining some skills."

All were with the most open eyes impossible.

Felicia beat them all to the question. "How do you get skills?"

"There are some ways and I'd like you to think about it, this world is getting more and more dangerous."

"What would it be like and what abilities are we talking about?" Now it was Gwen asking.

"The first thing I would like to use is a very rare herb that can turn an ordinary person into someone like Captain America. I assure you there is no risk."

"Like Captain America? That's amazing." MJ was excited.

These girls still believed that Captain America was the big deal, they still didn't understand that Captain America was average at best.

Liz was the calmest as she always asked him. "You said this herb was the first thing you wanted to try. Does that mean there's more?"

"Yes, then comes something more complicated and risky. It is a serum that a scientist with delusions of grandeur is working on. It is practically a superior version of the super soldier serum, where the person who receives it is capable of regenerating even lost limbs, obtains a high tolerance to high temperatures, and could produce flames."

"You said there were risks. What?" Now it was Gwen who was asking the questions, she was the smartest of all so the rest decided that she would take charge.

"The risk is that they could end up exploding. But I can assure you that isn't the case, the problem is that you will have to spend some time adjusting to controlling these abilities or they could be dangerous to you and those around you."

"There is more? "

"Yeah, the last thing is a little spider like the one that gave Peter his powers."

Now the level of surprise was off the scale and some jaws seemed dislocated by the way they opened their mouths.

"Wait, is that how Peter and Cindy got their powers?" Jessica asked. "How do you know all that?"

"I looked into it. The day we had the Oscorp tour they both got bitten when we were around the GM spiders and then they got powers. I don't understand how no one noticed."

"I think it's because no one envisions Peter and Cindy as Spider-Man and Silk. I don't have excuses for us though." Gwen was a bit dejected and wondered how she hadn't noticed something so obvious. "And can we receive all this?"

"Well the serum isn't complete yet and the herb will take me a while to get it, but I have the spider, it's the only one left."

"How come nobody knows about this fantastic grass and what happened to the rest of the spiders?"

"The herb is found in the nation of Wakanda, a country cut off from the rest of the world, but don't worry, he was able to get it. As for the spiders, I got rid of all of them, including the research. I'm not going to let Oscorp have anything in their possession." so dangerous."

Aegon continued to see the accusing look Gwen gave him. "Hey, I never said I did it because I'm a saint."

"If you assure me that there will be no danger if we take the necessary measures, then I accept." Gwen was the first to make a decision. This set off a chain reaction with the rest.

"Just out of curiosity, none of this means I have to play a superhero as Peter does it?" It was MJ who asked. "I know it sounds cowardly but I don't want to be risking my life."

Jessica almost laughs at this. "MJ is under no obligation, and not wanting to risk your life is not a bad thing. Aegon and I have powers and we're not out to save the world. But that doesn't mean I'm afraid of a fight."

"It's like Jessica says, I'm giving you this opportunity because it will make you safer. Now let's talk about what you want for the future."

"What are you talking about?"

"I mean what do you guys want to do when you finish high school, I know Gwen plans to go to college, but we've never really talked about it."

"I could go work with you," Jessica told him.

"I don't know if you've noticed, but I kind of just provide the capital, and then I dedicate myself to collecting the profits. I think everyone should go to university, the preparation they will receive will help them for life and the payment of university They know they don't have to worry, money is not a problem."

"Speaking of money, I have had an account opened for all of you and I have deposited money for your expenses in those accounts. Before any of you can protest." I was saying this, especially for Gwen and Liz. "I have money to spare and I'd like them to accept it. We're in a relationship, it's not just an affair."

In the end, they decided to accept.

MJ was a bit hesitant to talk, but she ended up saying that it was what she wanted. "I would like to study acting."

"I think I'll go to college too and maybe study something related to art." These were the plans Felicia thought of.

Liz was also planning to apply to college and now with Aegon's help, the payment would not be a problem so she could choose the college she wanted.

Jessica wasn't sure if it was what she wanted or not but she could always leave it if it wasn't for her.

"Perfect, since we have agreed that if we celebrate it at night we can go wherever they want." She then began handing each of them her credit cards.

Except for Gwen, they were all going to get a little romantic, but they were interrupted by Gwen holding up her credit card. "Do you know what this means?" The rest of her looked at her blankly what she was talking about which she noted.

"It means that you should take advantage and go shopping. Buy a nice dress for tonight."

"Why do you talk as if you were going to come?" MJ asked confused and it wasn't Gwen who answered but Liz.

"Come on girls let's give her some privacy, I'm sure Gwen she still wants to talk a few things in private with Aegon." Then they all got an idea of ​​what was going on and left after saying their goodbyes and wishing Gwen good luck.