Once in the cafeteria Aegon and Lori sat at a table where no one was around Lori ordered a coffee and Aegon a hamburger. Lisa sat a little away from both of them and she also ordered a hamburger, from the speed with which she devoured the hamburger you could tell that she was quite hungry.
Returning to Aegon and Lori.
When they were seated, Lori was the first to speak, she wanted to know how Aegon had found out what she was. "How did you know I'm…that? I don't think the hair is enough to give me away."
"How did I know you're a mutant?" She asked showing him a small smile. "Speak low please, I don't want people to know." The girl was nervous and looked over her shoulder at her friend. Her friend didn't know that she was a mutant.
"What do you want from me? I warn you that I will not sell myself in exchange for your silence." Aegon didn't understand for a second until he realized that the girl thought he might want to take advantage of her.
Her answer was one that she liked. It meant that the girl was not weak-willed. "I'll start by introducing myself. My name is Aegon Targaryen. Nice to meet you." The girl looked at him a little nervously. "Lorelei Travis, but everyone calls me Lori and I still don't know if it's nice to meet you." She was being cautious.
"Don't worry, I have plenty of beautiful women, although none of them have pink hair, they are all very beautiful. If I'm honest, I didn't just approach you because you're beautiful, I was also curious to meet another mutant." She said the latter, quite lowering her voice.
"You are like me?" The girl couldn't help but ask with some expectations. "No. But I know of an academy where only people like you study. You can look it up online, Xavier Academy for Gifted Youngsters, that's the name."
"I have never heard anything about this academy you speak of." She answered her, this was all very strange, she couldn't help but have suspicions.
"As I told you, you can look up information on your own." Aegon intended to inform Professor Xavier anyway. "At first glance, it looks like a private school, but in reality, it is an exclusive school for mutants. The founder of it is a very rich mutant who seeks, in his way, to help others like him."
"That all sounds very nice, but what does it have to do with me?"
"Well you seem to me like the kind of girl who left home, probably because of your mutation, you've also dropped out of school and now you only see an opportunity to earn some money by taking advantage of your beauty by dancing in a nightclub. If you were to go to this academy you could continue your studies, you would be with people who understand your situation and you would have a home, the teacher has plenty of space."
The girl couldn't deny that all of this was tempting, but it sounded too good to be true. She couldn't go around believing what some stranger told her. Still, she had planned to look up some information about the academy the boy was talking about.
"Not a bad idea, maybe I'll take a look at that academy." Lori was going to ask her if that was all she had to tell her, but she remembered something. "Hey, you still haven't told me how you knew it was… you know."
"I told you I wasn't a mutant, but I never said I was an ordinary person. I can detect when a person is a mutant or not."
The girl thought it was a somewhat vague answer but she didn't care. "Well, if that's all…" Before she could continue, Aegon cut her off.
"There's also something else." The girl looked at him suspecting that she had been right and everything had gone too easy. "Relax, can't I have good intentions?" Lori just fell silent. "Anyway, what I wanted to tell you is that I'm willing to give you a job too."
"Do you want to explain yourself better?"
"I was going to. You see, I'm pretty rich and I have a lot of business to keep track of, plus it's going to increase in the future so I need a secretary."
"You're kidding, no. You're rich and you want me to be your secretary. You know I almost swallowed all the story you've told me so far. But this is too much."
"I'm the one who's starting to regret it, seeing how you're doubting me all the time. Anyway, nothing I've said is false and you can check that out. Whatever you decide is up to you. You can try to have a good time. future or go shake your butt hanging from a pole."
Hearing the boy's somewhat harsh words, she was left thinking. "I don't know anything about being a secretary."
"And I don't know anything about being an entrepreneur, but I'm learning, you can learn too if you work hard. Besides, you'd be by my side for quite a while so you'd have to attend my school too, just in case I fancy something. you know, rich kid spoilers or some such nonsense."
Lori gave her a small smile and thought there was something else she should know. "There must be hundreds of people better prepared than me. Anyone is better prepared than me. Why then choose me?"
"Nothing in particular. Well, I knew I needed a secretary, it's just that I haven't taken care of it. Then I saw you at the entrance of the club, I was captivated by your beauty, and who doesn't want a beautiful secretary, who makes others feel envy."
Lori looked at him again, suspicious of him. "Just to be sure, the job is strictly professional."
"If you want anything else, it's up to you," he answered her with a shrug.
Lori was silent again thinking about what decision to make, Aegon took the opportunity to finish his burger. "If you accepted, when would you start?"
"Meet me tomorrow at the XXXXX building, I live in the penthouse, the doorman will know I'm waiting for you. My lawyer will be there too and she'll have a contract ready."
"Very well. Do you think Lisa could come with me, I'm sorry, it's just this is all so sudden."
"Okay, but you have to be early before 9 am, I have a business trip." Aegon usually carries a lot of cash around so he took $1000 and handed it to Lori. "Whether or not you decide to show up tomorrow, at least you won't have wasted your time tonight."
The girl did not expect this action, but she did not refuse his money.
Aegon then got up from the table and paid her table bill and then asked for Lisa's bill, to her surprise the girl at this time had eaten 3 hamburgers with fries, 2 colas, and ice cream. Aegon looked at her a little surprised and the girl looked away from him a little embarrassed.
After leaving the cafeteria Aegon thought it was time to go home, the night had been interesting after all. At that moment he received a message from Ophelia asking him to meet her at the back of a bar from which he was sending her address.
"Perfect, just when I wanted to go home. I guess between chatting up a woman like her or taking a beating from that old man, the first option sounds better. How the hell do I still end up as a punching bag with that old man?"
The bar where he was supposed to meet Ophelia was near his apartment and an area of houses and shops that he planned to buy soon to build a building that would be his next residence in New York.
When he got to the bar he approached the bar and the bartender who was briefed on him led him to a room at the back of the bar.
Aegon already knew that Ophelia was not alone in the room, another woman was with her. When he saw her he couldn't help but be pleased with her good luck in meeting such a beautiful women tonight.