Revenge I

" Even if it causes our life we must get our revenge" Mia 'a 22-year-old girl with black hair, a G cup with tattered clothes' said while carrying a 10-year-old girl Fei Fei ' with white hair with matching white skin,'(because of FBI involvement we cannot reveal fei fei cup size^=^)

When Philip the first commander of northern tycoon was exiting through the basement tunnel the four siblings saw him and decided to take their revenge for killing their foster mother.

"Onee-chan, do you think we can beat him by ourselves " Yuki a 19-year-old girl with black hair and a C cup asked while looking toward his sisters

"Don't worry about that if we work together we can beat him" Lucy a 20-year-old girl with blonde hair, E cup answered her,

None of them were blood-related but they all grew up together as they were adopted by a single mother Maria, who was killed by the first commander Philip while attempting to take them as slaves,

They followed Philip to a dark alley, what they didn't know was the being that was watching over them as they were chasing each other.

Leon's pov

'I was hoping to watch Gastov's fight but got distracted as this man came out of nowhere followed by four girls who seems to be aiming for this man as they were giving off a little killing intent, "Azazel, what are your thoughts" Leon asked while glancing at the shadows

From the shadows a man with a black scarf covering his face and his body where only his white eyes could be seen came out, this is Leon's bodyguard though he doesn't need one.

"Master, I don't think those four girls more like three since the smallest is asleep can win against that man" a gruesome voice replied

" I think so too "Leon replied

Mia's pov

'Philip that damn asshole I gonna make him pay even if it cause me my life but still the northern tycoon was one of the biggest organizations even if all their men aren't present about seventy percent are still present that's not an easy number, this organization RUBY though I've never heard of them they must quite powerful to destroy such big group over a night'

Third person pov

"Stop" Lucy whispered "I can see Philip he's up ahead" pointing towards the turning point of the alley

" Yuki you stay here with Fei Fei if things seem to go south make a run, okay" Mia whispered while passing Fei Fei who was still fast asleep

"But I can also fight, I also want to help avenge mother " Yuki replied still taking Fei Fei into her arms

"dummy, if things were to go bad who will take care of Fei Fei," Lucy said while flicking Yuki in the forehead

"Owie..."Yuki let out a cute response " then you better come back " Yuki said while rubbing her forehead and carrying Fei Fei on the other

Lucy and Mia then carefully sneaked toward Philip a man about 5'8, not very masculine but can't be identified as skinny

'Man, how did this happen, we got information that the fourth general was gonna invade but didn't think it was a big deal since he's not even the top three strongest, just how powerful is RUBY'

Philip felt a little killing intent behind him he quickly turned and dodged a pocket knife that was swung vertically towards his neck, and to his surprise, he saw two beautiful women sending off stares at him,

"fuck, I thought Estrada( gastov gang) caught up to me but it was just two little kittens" Philip sighted while holding his forehead in relief " so what can I do for you my ladies" Philip continued while looking at their body lustfully

" You asshole you're gonna pay for what you have done to mother " Mia shouted while dashing towards Philip, she took a swing which Philip dodge easily, and took another swing towards his neck which Philip again dodge but only to be met by Lucy's fist which hit him in the face that made him roll a few

Philip got back up touching his face " you little shits you made my beautiful face bled" he then ran towards Mia throwing a faint punch Mia tightened her grip but Philip turned around raising his leg and kicking Mia with full force in the stomach

" guhhh..." Mia coughed a little blood and then fell to the ground, Lucy didn't have the time to react since Philip was so quick " nee-chan " lucy shouted while trying to run towards her " forgot something" lucy turned around and saw Philip throwing a punch but was not fast enough to dodge it

Lucy got hit on her face but it was not full force" that's payback but I didn't use full force since I might wanna have fun with you" Philip stated while licking his upper lip lustfully

"I will fight you to my last breath" Lucy started to panic a little, meanwhile Mia got up sneaking behind Philip " so be it" Philip replied while smiling lustfully

Suddenly Mia stabbed Philip from behind but it didn't get deep " you think I forgot about you" Philip stated while grabbing Mia's knife in one hand and her throat in the other " now let's have some fun "

"Damn you" lucy shouted trying to break her sister free just to be caught by Philip

Philip slammed them down to the ground choking them almost unconscious when they heard a voice

"Let them go" the two sisters slowly looked in that direction, their eyes widened up, Yuki was standing not very far from them trembling in fear, "run Yuki" Mia yelled,

Before she could even react Philip ran towards her and grabbed her by the hair" well well well, what do we have here, a very beautiful heroine to save the day now I can sell the three of you and start again hahaha, well that's after I have my fun" Philip said while glancing Yuki top to bottom

"No, you can do whatever you want with us just let her go" Mia shouted, while lucy was struggling to get up

Philip looked back " you don't have a choice" he stated while walking towards them still holding Yuki by the hair, then he threw her to the ground, and tears started to run down Yuki's cheeks

"Be happy, that you will be used by me the great general of norther....." just as Philip was about to rip her shirt he felt a pressure that he has never felt before

"Wh-who ar-are you" was all Philip could say

As he turned back he saw a being that gives off an aura of royalty as well as the pressure of the death god himself, it is as if thousands of men surrounding him pointing their weapons at his neck


author's message

thank y'all and if you reading my novel if you're reading it for harem or yandere, I will get to you soon^∆^