Revenge II

Philip's pov

What is this sudden pressure that came out of nowhere, how can I not sense it, even the leader of Armenia does not give out this much pressure, fuck I can't even compare the two of them, how do I get out off here I can't even move my body

First, I need to see what is giving off such pressure, Philip turns around to see Leon slowly walking towards him, who is this? where did he come from? is he gonna kill me? several thoughts ran through Philip's mind,

"Wh-who ar-are you" fuck, my body won't stop trembling I can't even speak properly, never mind that who is this person? how can such a powerful being still not be noticed? what the hell did he go through to give off this much pressure

Third person pov

Suddenly all the pressure vanished as if they were never there" hah "Philip and the three girls were still breathing heavily

'What a crazy amount of mental control, just who is this guy' Philip thought while still breathing heavily,

'Wait now that I look crimson red hair and dark blue eyes, why didn't I think of it before he's ' Philip thought realizing who the man in front of him is, cold sweat covered Philip, and his body started shaking out of fear " DARK LORD, master Leo...." before he could finish he was held at the throat by a man with white eyes covered in black clothing

"Scum like you dare not say his name" Azazel stated in a deep gruesome voice, his dead white eyes started to slowly turn burning red

"guhh, ple-please let me g-go" Philip was choking to death

"Azazel, enough"

Azazel quickly let him go and back away to his master's side

Philip's pov

'Who was that, where did he come from, I didn't even have time to react, he came out of nowhere and overpowered me just like that

"Who are you" Philip was startled at Leon's voice 'i know I can't escape but does he need to play with me that way, I'm sure he already knows my identity before coming here, or is this a trick question, just how am I supposed to answer, if I lie I'm sure he will kill me but even if I tell the truth arghhh '

Leon's pov

'who the hell is he, I've never seen him before, I was planning to spectate but they noticed me because of my aura, because of me being the boss I sometimes forgot to suppress my aura though I am not using it in full'

"My name is Philip, the first commander of the northern tycoon, please spare me" Philip was kneeling to Leon,' so he's the first commander well that explains a lot, what I don't know is who are these three little girls, though they don't seem to be much younger than me"

Leon then stared at the girl nearest to him

Mia's pov

'Just when things were going bad for Yuki and us this boy who seemed about my age came out of nowhere with an intense pressure that I can't even breathe and he can make it stop whenever he want furthermore there is this man in black clothing who came out of his shadow and easily suppress Philip which is crazy since Philip is one of the top 100 in Russia, and now Philip who was known for his pride and not wanting to kneel even before his master is now begging for his life to a to a young boy,'

'Just who is this boy, is he good or bad, are we gonna die' different thoughts were running through Mia's mind

'Gotta find a way out befo....fuckkk, he's looking towards my direction, uhhhh I'm scared, I'm scared I'm scared, no wait I have to protect my sisters'

Third person pov

"Who are you," Leon asked in a monotone voice " my name is Mi-Mia, you can do anything to me please spare my sisters " Mia shouted while bowing down to Leon

"Insolent brat, how dare you to say such words in front of master " Azazel just can't control his anger, Leon then raises his right hand gesturing for him to calm down,

"I don't know who you are and I don't care what I wanna know is your relationship with that man" Leon asked while pointing toward Philip

Mia's face then grew dark with anger " we have no relationship with him, he killed our mother and we are here to take revenge" Mia replied while looking down clenching her fist

Leon then slowly looked toward Philip slightly annoyed


"Yes, master"

"Make him harmless" Leon ordered with a poker face

"Your wish is my command" Azazel replied while standing up

"huh, what do you mean harml.." before Philip could finish his sentence Azazel flashed towards him drawing out his silver black sword cutting his left hand from the wrist and the right arm from the elbow, and before Philip could react Azazel took another sword stance lighting his sword edge hot red cutting the tip of his wounds making it unable to bleed,

"arghhhhhh" Philip was screaming in pain but blood was not coming out

"Do what you want, whether you kill him or forgive him it's up to you" Leon stated while taking out a pocket knife from his waist and giving it to Mia

"He can't hurt you, since he's right-handed I cut it off from the elbow, and I've broken his left leg beyond repair so rest assured " Azazel continued bragging a little about his cutting skills

"Th-thank you, then we will take up your offer" Mia replied slightly blushing because of the words she said to him when she thought they were going to do something to them

Lucy and Yuki were already standing behind Mia but didn't dare to speak because they were afraid of Leon and Azazel

Mia then took the knife then walked towards Philip who was helplessly groveling in pain, Lucy and Yuki followed her, their expression changed as they were boiling with anger when they think back to their mother's dying face when she tried to protect them from Philip and his men

Philip paused when he saw three girls staring at him with gazes that could kill, "wait, girls let's talk this out, I know you don't wanna do this, how about we go on our own paths and you will never hear from me again, okay" Philip was panicking looking for a way to survive

"You do not have a choice" Mia was slightly grinning after she replied

'When a person surpasses this emotion known as rage, are they supposed to be smiling like this' Philip thought


author's message

hope you like it and as I added to the tags there will also be funny scenes in the coming chapters