Revenge III

Third person pov'

Mia then glided down her knife, cutting Philip's libido in two unequal halves.

"This is for Yuki" Mia stated while directly looking at Philip's eyes

"arhhhhhhh" Philip was screaming and striving in pain at the loss of his treasure and when he was about to lose consciousness Mia again grabbed him by the hair

"This is for our mother" then she swiftly cut his throat causing blood to spill all over, Mia and Lucy were able to tolerate the scene but as for Yuki it was her first time seeing this much blood so she started vomiting to her side, then Lucy went to her support

Leon was standing in the side with his hands tied back and the same expressionless look on his face while Azazel was standing beside him with his back slightly bent forward hanging his hands down looking almost like a zombie with his dead white eyes

"Then we will get going," Leon said while putting on his silk white gloves, he just wanted to know how things will be going and now that he has seen it he felt his business was over with them, he was not the type to ask about others personal stuff and meddle in their life

As he was about to walk away he heard a voice "sir, please wait" he turned to see Mia wiping off blood from the pocket knife he used,

"here's your knife, also we are grateful for what you did for us, we are indebted to you" mia then bowed down and followed Lucy and Yuki.

Leon stared at them for a while "there's no need I didn't do much " he then took the knife back

"well then good day to you" Leon said while turning to walk away

"Sir, may we know where you are headed to" Mia again asked ' if we part ways here we don't have much chance of survival since even the police didn't dare to come to this area we have to stick with him at least until sunrise ' she thought

"We are headed towards Estrada for a visit although we didn't inform them, why do you ask?" Leon asked without any change in emotion

"ahhh w-we are " before she could finish they heard a noise coming from their back

From the dark a small girl with snow white hair came running she had the cuteness to make an army stumble to the ground, she had deep violet eyes and was wearing somewhat tattered clothes like her sisters

"Onee-chan don't leaveee meeeee" tears were running down her cheeks as she was running towards her sisters at full speed, she then grabbed Mia by the clothes holding on to it

"Don't leave me behind" Lucy and Yuki quickly went to her side and comfort her

"we're not gonna leave you behind, we were just doing something important, now stop crying," Mia said in a calm voice while caressing her hair

"why would we ever leave our little princess behind" Lucy continued while holding her little hand

"come on now, stop crying no one's gonna leave you behind, "Yuki said while smiling brightly at her

Fei Fei then stopped crying and wiped her teary eyes "really" she said in a rather cute tone wanting to confirm it "of course" Mia replied while smiling at her

After some time Fei Fei calmed down and Mia looked at Leon with a serious face " please take us with you to Estrada" she asked not sure whether he would allow it or not

"Okay, I don't know the way so if you happen to know we..." before he could finish Yuki shouted "I know the way" raising her hand as if it was some quiz, she then slowly looked down lightly blushing knowing that she said it too loud "I mean I know the way" she repeated in a much lower and cuter voice

"well, that's a good thing," Leon said, he little surprised at her answer but didn't show it on his face," then let's start with an introduction, my name is Leon de Garcia and this is my subordinate Azazel" Leon stated while gesturing to his right, Azazel slightly bow

"o-oh my name is Amilia, you can call me Mia, we'll be in your care," Mia said while bowing, "my name is Yukino, you can call me Yuki and this is Lucy" Yuki continued both of them bowing in unison

Fei Fei then stood up straight wiping her face with her little hands" my name is Fei Fei, ten years old and I am still a virgin" she continued with a straight face not knowing what it meant, she heard it while she was still in northern tycoon

Yuki quickly covered Fei Fei's mouth with her hand blushing heavily, " wha-what are yo-you saying," Lucy awkwardly said looking at Fei Fei with a blush on her face,

"an-anyway let's get going, " Mia said while quickly walking past them, they couldn't see the blush on her face as she was turning her back on them

"right," Leon said not seeing their blushing faces as he didn't care much

Leon's pov

' we are done with our business that's what I thought but it seems they wanted to go together to Estrada, could they be assassins sent by my enemies? we'll they can't do much anyway ' Leon never had time for love affairs and when models and actresses tried to seduce him they just mysteriously disappeared without any trace

then they marched off towards Estrada, throughout their way Leon couldn't get the feeling off his chest, it was the feeling of wanting to be loved not romantically but as a family


Estrada headquarters were quite big, it had a mansion and several smaller buildings around it and was surrounded by a wall throughout, some were on the battlefield disposing of the corpses of their enemies, and some were interrogating the slaves, if they had families to go back to and if not would they want to work under RUBY

Soon the guards at the main gate saw two men followed by three women and a child

"Stop, what's your purpose for entering" a man with a huge build carrying a long sword asked

Azazel was ready to cut him down but stopped at Leon's signal, he watched as Mia walked past them standing in front

"We are slaves caught by the northern tycoon, we escaped before the battle and when we heard that they lost we came here seeking shelter" Mia stated, "even if Leon seems strong Estrada troops could easily outnumber them and he said they aren't informed of his visit meaning they may not welcome him," Mia thought

"Four of you looked like slaves but those don't seem like it", the other guard said while glancing at them

Azazel was itching to cut them down for stopping his master but didn't dare to do it without order and they were from the same organization as him while Leon was standing there putting on his poker face not giving off any aura

"they're also slaves, t-they just found some change of clothes ", Mia replied nervously

"let me get the commander," the first guard said whispering to the other guard to get commander Cecil, giving them a suspicious look

After a while, Cecil and Gastov arrived at the main gate,

"General, you didn't need to come here yourself," the guards said bowing in respect

" I have nothing to do anyway so I came here," Gastov said casually while gesturing for the two guards to raise their head

"Anyway, where is this suspicious-looking men you sai...." Gastov stopped in shock looking in Leon's direction, his eyes were wide open leaving the guards confused

"Estrada, seven-row formation, "Gastov suddenly shouted, then thousands of armed men rushed towards the main gate standing in formation

Mia and the other girls were ready to drag Leon who was standing still and run if they attacked

"Greet your master, THE DARK LORD" Gastov shouted while kneeling then all of the troops kneeled, "GLORY TO THE DARK LORD", they shouted in unison

"huh" the girls looked at Leon confused


author's message-

I hope you like it, don't forget to give me your thoughts about it in the comments ^∆^