The Crooked Old Man

Lance groaned holding his head from the pain in his neck from being bounced so many times. He tried not to open his eyes knowing full well that these explosions could have done serious damage to his brain. He also hoped to God the elderly Man wasn't insane. If he was he wouldn't last very long.

The noise from both the explosions stopped and the lights flickered off, along with the rest of the electricity in the room. The only source of light came from the set lantern in the hallway from the window. This made the elderly Man stand taller looking around frantically.

"What's happening?!" He demanded. "Why can't I see?!"


He raised his hand pointing at him, "Spit it out already you fool! What is going on?" He screamed.

"Uh....I think your power is back...or something? I don't know..." Lance said.

"What?!" He screeched.

Lance backed up slightly terrified. The man continued to mindlessly ramble on to himself about how he was the smartest person and how the world owed him millions because all of humanity needed to bow down to him and show him respect.

He went back into his room to examine the damage while Lance sat there on the ground feeling confused as hell.

The old man recorded whatever he saw on a small tablet which he found lying in the corridor. Once he was satisfied he closed the door to his room and began to walk off. He was so busy recording what he saw that he didn't notice a figure standing in the doorway who had come up to visit what the noise was.

When the elderly Man finally noticed the new presence in his room his eyes widened in surprise and he stopped dead in his tracks. It took him a moment to process why the other person was in his room. Then he started to laugh hysterically. He laughed so hard and so long it was starting to make Lance nervous.

"Excuse me? Who are you?" Lance asked.

He just continued to cackle and point at the door to his room. That's when Lance noticed something weird about the door; it appeared to be completely solid. No matter what kind of energy the old man sent through it the door remained still without breaking.

"You won't get an answer from him as he has officially lost his mind." A woman laughed.

Her haired fire red colored auburn hair pulled into a tight bun and dark blue eyes filled with mischief. Her clothes consisted of a green blouse tucked in with blue jeans and green boots. She wore no makeup, no jewelry, nothing that showed her beauty. It just added to her mysterious and dangerous aura.

"And who would you be?" The elderly asked.

She smiled brightly revealing white teeth.

"My scary name is Halo, but just call me Delaney," She said.

"Well, Delaney, what brings you here?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, I live here! And I want something from you." She responded.

Delaney walked closer to him and placed her hands on each of his shoulders giving them slight squeeze.

"What is it I can help you with?" He asked.

"It's not quite ready yet, but once it is you must promise me that you'll give it to me!" Delaney said.

Lance watched the odd conversation dumbfounded. When the Elderly Man didn't say anything Delaney pushed him forward to make him stumble to the side. She grabbed the collar of his shirt tightly and began to shake him roughly. Her grip grew tighter and tighter until she felt her nails digging into his collarbone.

"Promise me you stupid old man!" She shouted in his face.

"Fine! Fine I'll do it! Now get off me before you break my bones!" He cried out.

Delaney smirked showing her pearly whites.

"Good, that's what I wanted to hear!" She cheered. She let go of his shirt and took a step away from him.

Lance stood there still dazed staring at the scene unfolding before him. He was uncertain how to feel watching the woman yell at the old man like that. How could anyone yell at someone so much they could break their ribs and break the bones just mere stress.

"Now listen close Delaney because I'm not sure if you'll hear this ever again!" The elderly Man warned.

"Oh yes! You have until the end of tonight before your precious invention arrives!" She replied smiling wickedly.

"If you're telling the truth about my invention I swear you can count on one thing from me and one thing only." The elderly man said pulling out a knife out of his belt. "One hundred million! Just remember that you wanted this…"

"I will make sure you get your money old man!" She snapped back.

The elderly Man gave a sinister smile. "Oh I know you will." With that, the man turned on his heel rushing off leaving Letty standing alone in his office.

"What exactly are you getting in tonight?!" Lance asked.

"Something that will destroy our enemies!" She yelled. "Don't worry you'll never forget what you witnessed today."

"Are you sure it will work?" He asked.

"Of course!" She answered happily. "Just watch, and be careful not to tell anyone else of what you've seen."

Lance scrambled to his feet not wanting to hear their plans anymore as he ran to the elevator. There he pressed the button multiple times waiting impatiently and nervously for the elevator to arrive and take him to where Letty was located.

As soon as the doors opened and he stepped inside he began to punch random buttons randomly hoping that the elevator would move faster.

The doors opened again and he ran to the stairwell heading toward his destination. After what seemed like forever the door finally opened. He walked up the stairs, pushing past people who got in of his way. Finally reaching his destination, he reached for the handle of Letty's door.

"Sorry for coming unannounced!" Lance shouted.

He slowly turned it turning it slowly making it creak open. The door swung open revealing darkness beyond. Slowly stepping into the room Lance shut the door behind him, making sure the lock clicked shut. Turning around he looked into the dimly lit room. A few chairs, tables, and a couple boxes were scattered everywhere covered in dust.

He jumped jumping at the sound of footsteps approaching him from behind. He whipped around only to come face to face with Letty. The girls was sitting on top of her bed leaning back with her arms folded across his chest. She glanced towards Lance, not saying anything.

"What are you doing here?" She asked. "Didn't think you'd come to see me?"

Lance swallowed, his heart pounding against his rib cage. Why did she have to say things like that so casually? His eyes shifted to look down at the floor.

"Look Letty," He started.

Lance clenched his jaw trying to think about what he had seen earlier thinking about his new life here as he spoke.

"We're learning to use the best of our abilities as we have a greater thing to do here, Lance." She explained.

"Yeah yeah, great, right?" He mumbled. "So that is why you are you here then?" He asked.

"To learn how to fight those people who parade themselves as heroes!" She answered with a serious expression on her face.

"So we're in this school to kill those people?" Lance asked.

"Yes, and it starts tonight." She confirmed.

"Tonight?" He repeated in shock.

"It's a test." She smiled.

"What is this test?" Lance questioned.

"We won't know till tonight, but should be fun." Letty replied.

"Fun?!" Lance shouted in disbelief. "This isn't the time or the place to start joking around Letty!"

"Don't worry, you just have to follow my lead." She said.