An Invite

Later that night there is a knock on the door. Lance noticed a small card that had been slid under that he could not ignore; it looked like an invitation to some kind of event. The envelope was dressed in red and yellow, looking somewhat old, and the only other writing on it was his own name. He wasn't really sure what all this meant.

Poking his head out to see a black robe laying on the ground beside his door frame Lance took one step outside.


The figure turned around, revealing an older man, with silver white hair and dark purple robes, holding a large tray in one hand and carrying a lantern in the other. It was clear from the look of him that the person who sent the invitation hadn't expected anyone else to answer their summons.

"Your presence is needed young master." The man smiled.

Lance walked forward, reaching for the clothing slipping it over his clothes. He pulled it onto his body and followed after the stranger walking to the elevator going down to the main lobby of the apartment block, where it would lead him down to the basement. The stranger stepped inside first then pushed the button for the bottom floor. Once they were alone, he spoke.

"I don't suppose you know why I am here, do you?"

Lance paused for a moment to process just who this man was. Everything in front of him was dark , lit only by the flickering flames from the lantern hanging above them, so it was difficult for Lance to tell if he was actually addressing someone.

After another pause, he responded. "No, not at all. What's your name, sir?"

This seemed to catch the stranger off guard. "You may call me Pierce."

Lance couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, slightly surprised that his visitor knew about the rules of this place; as if they even had such things anymore.

Once the door opened again, a large set of stairs rose before them, with two people waiting at the top; both cloaked in black robes and wearing black helmets, both standing tall with sharpened swords crossed behind their back. A third person stood off to the side, holding a box of food and water. This third person was dressed much like the other two and held a staff in each hand, which she pointed downwards toward the ground.

His classmates carried on behind together with their friends laughing and having a good time coming down the steps. All of the boys dressed in the same robes and the girls lagging behind as well. The whole group was talking amongst themselves. Lance watched the scene unfold, completely confused by what was happening before him. One of the girls suddenly stopped in her tracks, turning around to face Lance.

The girl had shoulder length black hair with streaks of grey running through it. She also had a strange mark across her forehead and one side of her cheek. It was covered up, but Lance could have sworn he saw something glittering when she smiled.

Her skin was darker than most, and she had very green eyes. Her lips were red with what Lance recognized as lipstick and she appeared to be wearing makeup as well; however, she didn't have anything covering up her forehead or cheek.

Her smile was bright though, and she seemed almost excited when she said his name, as if she'd heard it before. She gave Lance a small wave before turning around once more and returning to whatever it was she was doing.

Mr. Jameson appeared out of nowhere with maniacal laughter holding his staff at the audience in front of him. His eyes gazing into each kid there and sending shivers down their spines. Everyone began to fall silent, and the students who had been joking around before, went pale and began fidgeting in place.

"Gather 'round!" He shouted.

Everyone got quiet, watching the scene unfold before them with baited breath. Lance's heart rate picked up. The way everyone was acting, like Jameson himself had personally summoned them…

"You will all first have role call." he announced. "And then we shall begin the real test?"

Each child is lined up one in front of the other. Lance gawked from the back noticing each kid is given something before departing. Jameson has started counting now with a smirk.

At number five one of the boys had been given something called 'Nightbane, Favor of the Queen'. They all were given maskes. Each mask had a symbol and insignia that represented their house. Lance thought it was very odd, but he kept his thoughts to himself.

When his name was finally called he was handed a strange stick called 'Life's Limit' he was confused what it was thinking of magic schools on television . Mr. Jameson had instructed him to take it to the designated location on the second level, so that was what he did; he walked up the steps leading to the next level with an uneasy feeling in his stomach, wondering if he made the right choice.

Mr. Jameson turned towards him and nodded encouragingly. "Go!" he encouraged with a smile.

"Have fun!"

Lance swallowed nervously before continuing onwards. There was no way he was going to let someone tell him what to do.

"Coy! Lance! You two are teammates!" A voice cried out. "

It was the blonde boy from before with his hair covering his face. He sluggishly and angrily shuffled over to stand beside Lance, causing him to jump back slightly. "Hey," the boy said in an almost whisper.

There was a silence between them as they both tried not to stare too much. It felt like minutes passed before Lance finally decided to break the silence.

"So... What's your story?" He asked curiously.

"Were not friends! Shut up please!" Coy shouted.

He stomped away, causing Lance to flinch. Lance stared after the other boy confused. Did he say something wrong? He looked back to see what the others reaction was and saw they seemed to agree, but were also staring at him.

"Please get ready everyone for test number one!" Someone yelled.

The room erupted in conversation, again, but Lance ignored it and waited patiently as they called out names one by one until it was finally his turn.