Feeding Fear

Nearly being killed Shiro backed down from the dragons in front of him and let himself fall on his knees, letting himself feel their anger. "I didn't know you were a dragon, or I would never have tried to kill any of your kind before coming out into the human world."

Shiro bowed his head respectfully and waited for some kind of response from the dragon.

'It's not my fault,' thought Shiro, he was just trying to help his best friend who had been in distress, 'he looks like he has it rough, so I can imagine how bad a situation this whole mess must be.

The dragon seemed to consider something for a moment and turned to look at Allura as if she were an answer to some sort of question. She nodded back, which prompted another reply from the dragon. The conversation between them continued for a while but eventually both dragons turned back towards Shiro again.

This time they were less angry with each other than at him and seemed more interested in what he said.