So Much to Bet

Lance bled holding his side limping to his dragon form and collapsing onto the floor with a grunt. His hand was covered in blood from a cut on his side, and he winced as he wiped it off on his pants.

He hadn't meant to do that, he just got so caught up and it wasn't like any of them were looking anyway - or at least Lance hoped they weren't - but he had been so caught up in his fight with Pidge that he didn't have time to look for an empty room to hide in so he settled for just letting the cuts bleed out before he tried to heal himself.

They wouldn't hurt too bad if he healed them now, but even though he wanted to keep fighting, he couldn't bring himself to leave the training deck for fear of getting captured again. So he just laid there, listening to the battle raging all around him until he fell asleep.