Chapter Thirty

The group slept for good hour, it could've been more but they were woken up by a sudden shaking of the ground.

"what the"

"what's happening?"

"is it just me?"

"watch out!" Ryoko shouted getting up, she had woken up earlier, when the shaking was quite subtle, silver changed back as she woke up if they had to leave. The others looked at her before following her finger, at a distance, a fast decreasing distance, was a kind of crowd, it wasn't people it was…

"are those, flies?!" Elena shouted running immediately to mount Silver, the others gapped a while before grabbing their things and running to join Elena, Ryoko got on last taking her bag, just as the creatures approached Silver took off straight into the sky

"well that was close" Elena said

"this desert bites" Viper said folding her arms and sulking

"you still want to sleep?" Karla asked

"no but for once can we not be chased or be chasing something completely stupid?" she said making gestures to show her annoyance but everybody rolled their eyes

"at least we're far away from them I hate bugs" Elena said shivering at the thought of bugs, talk less of giant flies

"well it's time to face your fears" Haru said pointing downwards, the flies had followed them in to the sky

"uh-oh" Ryoko said moving to sit behind Silvers head

"leave it to me princess" Silver sped up his flying zooming through the clouds and going as low as the sand but the flies were very persistent following them all the way but they couldn't close the distance as Silver increased his speed as much as he could

"they aren't given up!" Elena said slightly freaking out

"how do you get rid of Giant flies" Ryoko asked being calmer than anybody else

"lets go higher" Tatsuya said, they looked at him a while before Ryoko signalled Silver to go higher which he did, the flies slowly fell back

"why aren't they following?" Viper asked sitting back down

"the sun, also here it gets colder as you get close to the sun, I don't know why but anyways they won't follow even when chasing food" Tatsuya said

"what do they eat?" Elena asked

"meat" they gasped looking back at the desert floor, Elena gulped visibly

"wow so we would have been food if we had stayed there any longer" Haru said

"are we almost there?" Karla asked

"oh you mean the big city? Yes actually we are" Ryoko said

"oh then we may not need any more stops right?" Tatsuya asked

"yup, I actually wonder what the big city is like?" Elena asked

"like a city that's probably a hundred times bigger than Opwood" Tatsuya said rolling his eyes a bit

"I don't care if we are going to Italy or to China town, as long as we get out of this desert" Viper grumbled and Elena snickered at her expression which she didn't even try to hide like the others usually do

"oh you think it's funny? Fine since you enjoy the great desert so much I wouldn't want to let you part with it" with that she charged at Elena, they struggled for a bit before falling of Silver

"oh my God!" everybody except Ryoko who wasn't paying attention and Silver who couldn't care less, the weight on his back reduced by three hundred pounds annoyance and another one hundred pounds irritation

"what?" Ryoko asked looking back at them

"don't you notice that someone or actually some people have gone missing?" Karla asked folding her arms

"well the ride just got a little quiet is all" she said before making a small oh sound looking over Silver to see two small figures about to hit the ground

"violence is never the answer Viper, come on Silver" the lion dragon groaned a bit sending vibrations through his body therefore shaking up the group a little

"seriously? I mean it's just sand they won't die or anything"

"Silver" he sighed before diving downwards towards the two who were still quarrelling while in air, silver stopped beside the two managing to keep them in air without actually catching them, he was still against the idea of getting them back on

"it took you long enough"

"what?" Ryoko asked

"save us dummy would you?" Viper said

"Silver get me close to Elena" Ryoko grabbed Elena pulling her back unto Silver

"anytime now"

"oh silver you can let that one drop" he smiled flying back up therefore leaving Viper to keep falling

"hey! Wait don't let me die!"

"say please" Ryoko said

"that's it? Seriously?"

"it's easy"

"stop being such a dummy"

"how can someone might get buried it biting cold sand be so cocky"

"fine, fine, fine, pl- ple, pl,pleaaaa"


"fine Please!" Silver dove back catching Viper just as she was about to touch the ground.

The group were still laughing at Viper who sat with a brooding face

"come on Viper it wasn't that bad" Karla said

"excuse me?"

"I mean"

"no you know what I mean? I mean I don't get why she saved Elena and not mean, I mean you've irritated me all my life" Ryoko looked at her confused before rolling her eyes

"when you figure it out tell me"

"you little"

"you remember what happened last time right" Haru said holding Viper back while speaking in a low tone

"Ryoko may be really close to us but she's still very powerful and can't control much of her emotions yet" Viper looked at Ryoko a little fearfully before sighing

'wow what could mistress do that could have an effect on everyone like this'