THE BUILDING ALARM OF THE Federal Bureau of Investigation, better known as the headquarters of the world-renowned FBI, rang and every best-prepared agent on the planet prepared for the worst...

An attack... the first in the entire history of that department...

However, a few minutes later they learned that only a few documents related to Nikola Tesla were missing from the main vault.

— Have they done the whole building sweep yet?—

— Yes sir, no invader.

What the fuck... after so many years...

— Anything could have been missing from this building,— said the Director desperately, — except those papers. —

— We should have destroyed them when we could, just like we destroyed his other documents.

The agent nodded.

— That weapon was the guarantee that no government in the world would come to attack us, everyone was afraid of that, even more after seeing the test results, it was incomparably worse than a nuclear bomb.

— If this weapon falls into the wrong hands, the world could suffer its worst moment in history, perhaps end its own history...—

— It's too late now... I doubt it wasn't hands wrong to have stolen the documents, after all, only those who have sordid feelings could want that thing...

— Even so, we have to act immediately.

THE FEDERAL BUREAU of investigation — FBI is a police unit of the United States Department of Justice, serving both as an investigative police and internal intelligence (counter-intelligence) service.

The FBI has investigative jurisdiction over violations of more than two hundred categories of federal crimes.

Your motto is:

— Faithfulness, Bravery, Integrity...—

Corresponding to the initials — FBI—.

Its headquarters are at J. Edgar Hoover Building is located in Washington, D.C. Fifty-six local offices are located in major cities across the United States, as well as more than four hundred resident agencies in smaller cities across the country, and more than fifty international offices are located in U.S. embassies. around the world.


Agent James McCarty Gordon, known as Jim Gordon, responsible for the security sector had meticulously analyzed the papers that had disappeared after the safe checking, nothing of great financial value, however...

'So, Gordon?' — Director Nolan said without the slightest bit of patience due to the invasion of Headquarters, which would cost him his head in a few moments.

— It's worse than I thought.

— What necessarily disappeared?

— Something we should have destroyed a long time ago, but out of ego, we kept it like a joker up our sleeve.

No, God... Anything but that...

Agent Gordon realized that his boss had discovered what they had stolen without him having to say so.

— Unfortunately, I can't bring you good news at the moment, sir...