THE INVADER WAS with the papers in her hands, analyzing and smoothing the sheet of paper as if it were the most precious jewel of all time...

Which, in a way, was...

Every detail of the project made by the most brilliant scientist of all time and one of the most remarkable and creative men to ever walk the earth...

Nikola Tesla...

— This time we hit the nail on the head, our revenge will be full... — She said to herself, proud to be able to enter the safest building on the planet without being detected...

This here could destroy our world...

No, — she corrected herself, — it might rebuild him... and in our hands, that's exactly what it will...

But this time it will be our way...

PROJECT PHILADELPHIA is a tremendous success — thought the intruder who had infiltrated the FBI headquarters undetected, all that time, the invisibility created by Tesla had been questioned,

It was always like that when it came to him... he started something and they didn't allow him to continue, the church for hundreds of years prevented science from advancing and this mentality reached the state, which prevented geniuses from making humanity reach fullness...

However, he hadn't been given the time to improve it, but now she could do whatever she wanted, be where she needed to be, it was the perfect spy weapon, an HG Wells madness that came true in the hands of the genius, nobody he could know who she was, let alone how she had managed to get into one of the most impregnable fortresses in the world.

The fourth dimension is real, it was always real, but now it was palpable...

At least for her it was...

BEC LOOKED AT HER MIRROR and contemplated the darkness that reflected her eyes, not just her eyes...

But also in your mind and in your heart...

I've been preparing my whole life for this moment...

As much as he had in his hands the blueprint of the deadliest weapon that ever existed on the face of the earth, he knew it was incomplete, but there was a clue that no one had ever paid attention to about the genius's life, he had given the ignition key as a way of paying someone's rent, the key was lying around, lost somewhere.

I will have it in my hands and my mistress will finally put the world back into absolute darkness.

Just like I see in my eyes when I look in the mirror..