WALTER ORSHITSCH HAD been battling cancer for three years and not even the best hospitals, let alone the best doctors in the world gave him an encouraging news, one by one was undermining his chances and expectations.

— I'm sorry, Herr Orchitsch, but I'm afraid I don't have good news for you.

He smiled gently at the doctor's less than encouraging face.

As if I'm not used to it already...

— I believe I've lived too long to worry about bad news.

The doctor nodded helpfully.

— If there's anything I can do for you.

Finding my granddaughter would be a good help...

— No, doctor, I'm very grateful for all the effort you've put in for me.

He got up, shook the doctor's hand, and left.

Walter got into the car and his butler closed the door.

— Where shall we go, sir?

— I need to go home and be alone for a while.

WALTER KNEW HE HAD had a good life, despite the natural ills that occur to almost everyone around him, but losing his family was a blow of fate that was hard to swallow.

Your cell phone rings.

— Yes… of course… that's wonderful news… I need you to do me a favor… that… get in touch with her… I'll leave a letter in my safe, you have the password... I want her to inherit everything... once again, thank you very much...

He hung up feeling like for the first time in twenty years he'd had good news, just now that he was going to die soon.