— MR. PRESIDENT? — She said hesitating — what could I do to help?

— I wish I had better news, Miss Von Dietrich, I think from both sides, as the Chancellor says your special prisoner has been rescued.

— Unfortunately, Mr President...

— I want you to know that we are probably having the same problem, because the FBI Headquarters was also invaded in the same way as yours, they were just a little more subtle and did not leave any dead or injured, taking us by surprise, your Chancellor arranged everything So that we can act together on this issue, I don't think everything that happened today was a coincidence.

— I believe that too, Mr President... but...

— I know what you're going to ask, they stole the blueprints for the deadliest weapon ever invented, a weapon capable of ending the lives of all humanity with just a few shots.

— Could you be more specific, please, after all, we are divided between an ocean and our governments do not cooperate to share military technology.

— Of course, excuse me for beating around the bush, Nikola Tesla had created a weapon called the TELEFORCE, capable of ending the lives of, say, some New Yorkers with a single shot.

— I understand the gravity, Mr President, and I assure you that everything in our power will be done.

— I'm sure of that, I want you to know that my best men will be at your service.

— I will remember that, but at the moment we are not in need of help in this regard, but I will remember your hand extended in our favor.

Marianne turned off the conference monitor, went to her living room, lay down on the sofa beside her desk and thought about what step to take next.

What should I do now?

She then picked up the phone and called her only trusted agent.