WALTER ORSHITSCH FINISHED writing the letter to his granddaughter, put it in the safe and sat in the armchair as if he was carrying all the weight of the world.

He had found her at last, just now that his time was up... in a way, he thought God was very unfair...

His life had been difficult, but when he reached that old age, he saw that it was a miracle to be there, after all he had done...

Everyone had died except him and his sister who had also abandoned him... he was a lonely ghost... in fact, from the beginning, no one could have known he was born...

He held the ring that hung around his neck and knew his mission was at an end.

AS SOON AS HE WAS BORN, Walter had been abandoned in an orphanage, Germany was completely devastated by the Second World War, he grew up surrounded by misery until one day a very well dressed man arrived at the orphanage and had all the documentation to be his legal guardian.

— Do you know my parents? — Said the child excitedly.

— Of course, I'm here at their request.

Hearing their story made his heart understand that all he could not be proud of the great deeds they had accomplished, but here he was a ghost, no one could know who he really was, the whole dream of one day meeting him ended. them, hugging them, knowing why they had to leave him, but now it had all become an illusion.

Walter got married and had a son, but a terrible accident changed everything, the only person in his life was his granddaughter, but soon after the accident the child simply disappeared, it took twenty years to find her in Brazil, but now everything had changed. drastically, he knew he had little time until he got his granddaughter to know the whole truth.

WALTER CLOSED HIS EYES AND SAW THE SCENE of his son and his wife getting into the car and exploding...

All because of him and his mother... their sin had brought serious consequences and his granddaughter could not suffer them without knowing the whole truth.

I could never be alive

— I HOPE YOU'VE HAD sweet dreams, Walt...

Walter opened his eyes and saw the figure of that frightening woman in front of him...

Those eyes... — Walter thought.

The darkness itself...

— Is afraid? — She said smiling.

— I don't need fear right now, only the young are afraid of dying, the old know their meeting is imminent.

— We all need it... that's why I'm here...

— If you're here to kill me, you've wasted your time, I don't have many days to live.

— No one wastes time when they are about to enter Hades ' door...

— I've been at Hades ' door for over three years now.

As if a little fucking cancer was going to kill him...

Walter tried to keep up with the woman's rapid movement, but his youthful days were gone, and as wonderful as his glorious days in the Navy had been, filled with stories of wars and battles, medals of honor had come to an end long ago. a long time, now everything was about to end.

I just wish I had time to let you know...

But the woman had already hugged her neck and the air was starting to leave her, suddenly, everything was turning into complete darkness, just like the assassin's eyes....

— You will die as your father died, you are a great privilege, for he was an extraordinary man.

Walter smiled at the death before him.