TAMMY MENDONZA was the most competent woman in the entire FBI, had achieved the feat of entering at the age of twenty on her own merits, spoke seven languages fluently, had never had a single casualty until her last service, when on a mission, she saw her husband and a girl together, she found out they had an affair in the worst possible way.

But she didn't have much time for details and everything happened...

SHE FELL ASLEEP DURING the flight to Brazil and dreamed of her husband, they were very happy, they had so many plans, they wanted to have children and build a conventional family in the interior of Texas, but now everything was in the past, until that moment...

How would she react if she confronted him face-to-face?

THEY MEET EACH OTHER at an executive event where she was doing security for the Governor of California and would never have guessed that the playboy cocky heartthrob who accosted her at the party was also an FBI agent, even though he broke the protocol of getting involved during service with someone, everything that happened between them was the pure natural order of how things should happen, but then, life caught her off guard.

— I'm sorry, Mendonza… they sent us the pictures as a way of refusing what we did.

— I loved you very much, Mr. Nolan.

— I suppose so... but God has his way of doing things.

— So this time he lost his way, just in my turn...