SANDRO ARRIVED AT HIS DESK and saw his emails, there was nothing interesting, he took another sip of his coffee and tried to relax a little, but without any success, his mind was still a total mess and accelerated like a hurricane in fury.

— Mr. Sandro Palmeira? — Said a woman at the door of his office.

— It's me... — He said, adjusting himself in his chair knowing he had been totally caught off guard — how can I help you?

— I'm an FBI agent, I was wondering if you could help us with an emergency situation.

— You're kidding, aren't you? — An FBI agent here in Brazil and in my office?

The girl smiled kindly.

Her smile is beautiful... but she has experienced some tragedy recently...

— We have offices in several countries around the world, connected to the most diverse secret and federal services, Brazil is one of them, after all, you are an almost continental country, so we have interests, which logically, make us observe them closely.

— I believe it's more because of our communist affinity, after all, in the Second World War they already intervened here once, I don't think I would let us become like Venezuela and Ecuador.

— My interests are greater than South American communist politics, Mr. Palmeira, I'm sure that after you listen to me, communism will be the least of your interests and problems.

— Excuse the joke, do you want to sit down?

She looked around with an air of revulsion, as if she were seeing a pigsty for the first time in her life, a fact that bothered Sandro to the last hair.

— Could you meet me for lunch at a more suitable place?

Sandro swallowed his shame over the mess.

— If you pay the bill, no problem.

The girl smiled again at the cockiness of that man that everyone called him amazing at what he did.

I don't know what they see in this messy guy, it's just inconceivable that the President would have personally chosen him for this mission.

— Of course… — she continued gently — the account is ours, you can rest assured about that.

And handed over a card with the address of the restaurant.

— Any questions or delays, you can call me, I'll have my cell phone on, but I believe you won't let the opportunity of your life go by like this, after all, who asked me to be here with you is, nothing more, nothing less, that the President of the United States of America.

— It's not like me to let great opportunities pass me by.

— I do not think so.