— HISTORY REPEATS,— Nolan said, — we won World War II because of a very welcome mistake by Hitler who was not interested in the nuclear program, and now they have in their hands the weapon that can devastate a continent in two shots.— that we were not interested because we already had the atomic bomb.

— But you know very well that the weapon was incomplete, Charles, and as much as we tried to solve it we couldn't, only Tesla had the secret to make it work.

He nodded.

— But with today's technology it's pretty easy to get the missing piece, or even create it.

— Remember that we haven't succeeded so far, and we have a surprising range of the best scientists in the world, it's a highly complex code, even for current paradigms.

— Damn Tesla.— The director punched the table angrily.

— Look on the bright side — said Bernard in his usual tone of humor — if we don't have it, they're in danger of not having it too.

— But if they did it now they have a why, they had another sixty years to do it and they didn't, why now?

The director's question made sense, even more so with Hitler on the loose, they had assigned two agents to work together with the BDN, but there was no guarantee that the German agency was not involved, he knew the Germans would not swallow defeat. a third time, their revenge was just beginning and they did just like the Americans...

Using the enemy's most powerful weapon...

— Luckily the Teleforce wasn't ready yet, Tesla was very upset that he couldn't go ahead with this project that simply disappeared with the device that makes the whole system work, it was as if the gun was out of ammo after all, if he can't make it work, he found a way that no one else could.

Something seemed to bother John.

— Did something happen, John?

— I've always been a scholar of Tesla's life, hardly anyone would know anything more about him than I do.

— AND?

— Now something came to my mind, something kind of silly, but in context it makes a lot of sense now.

— And what would it be?

— Tesla died broke and in debt to almost everyone.

— Right.

— But there is an episode in his life that is well known and somewhat unnoticed by us, and in some ways utterly reckless of him, and even of us.

— Speak up, I'm already getting a nervous wreck.

— As he had no money, he decided to pay some tenants with his inventions, in one of these stories, he gave a box saying that what was inside it could decimate humanity, it was the most powerful weapon in the world, but when the person opened it, it was any component.

— In isolation...

— That's what came to my mind now, in isolation, yes, any electronic component, however, it could be the ignition key for the TELEFORCE.

Nolan took out his smartphone and passed on the information.

— Ammo or not, the TELEFORCE is still the most powerful weapon in the world, and if we don't do anything they might do it, you understand it might be our last mission together.

— It would be an honor to die next to my best friend, I don't see much an eighty year old could do sitting in a rocking chair waiting for death to come, but if he's going to die so the world can breathe a sigh of relief again, it will be an honour.

Nolan handed him his badge and his gun.

— It will be like old times, partner.

— Like old times though, now we're old too.