TAMMY ARRIVED AT THE PLACE indicated by John and showed her badge.

— How can I help you, Agent Mendoza.

— I think your father or grandfather had a rather special tenant.

— In New York we always meet special people who think they are going to change the world, but I think only Madonna and Trump have succeeded.

— In this case, we are looking for something that Mr. Nikola Tesla left as a form of payment, a box with a device.

— This story is very funny, my grandfather said it was the most creative default he ever received in his life.

Tammy smiled.

— I believe Mr. Tesla wasn't much for making jokes, but do you happen to know where this box is?

— Must be in the attic with my grandfather's and father's stuff, I don't know why they never let us sell that crap.

TAMMY WAS SEARCHING along with the girl named Clarice.

— I found.

— Thank God...

Tammy opened it and saw a device.

It's amazing that the safety of the world is tied to this little piece of metal, Tesla was as genius as crazy in giving this to anyone...

— Glad we found it, I'm sure the government will reimburse you for this.

— I'm glad to hear it's worth something.

TAMMY TAKEN THE BOX and handed it to John who analyzed the device.

— To think that guy was doing something like this sixty years ago.

— It's because he was a hundred years ahead of his own time.

It was then that it all happened.