MARIANNE VON DIETRICH, director of the BND, was an extremely attractive and powerful fifty-nine-year-old woman, she had full control of the Federal Information Service of Germany, a kind of German FBI, but in her case, she knew how to use even more forcefully the power he had in his hands than the Americans did.

We've got something extraordinary in our hands, the greatest military power on earth...

Reliable sources claimed that something extraordinary was about to happen, and he was closely following the theft of Nikola Tesla's documents at the FBI headquarters, finally everything they dreamed about was about to come true, the dream was ready to come true...

They wouldn't lose the war a third time... this time it will all be different... I'll make sure of it... the thousand year reign begins today...

But Marianne, like Nolan, knew that the gun was incomplete, Nikola Tesla had taken the device that triggered the gun and had used it as a form of payment for his late apartment, many thought it was just a simple fuse, but in it there was a activation secret code.

I have to get my hands on this weapon anyway, and after that the world will be reborn in our hands...