BEC HAD COMPLETED more than half the list he had on hand.

The key needs to be with one of them...

As if by instinct, she felt that she was close, her destiny was to be the key to her master's success.

One day, all that is hers will be mine... one day I will be like her... one day I will be her... I will be the master...

She realized that she was having a strange movement in front of her last source's house.

They must know we're after the key.

BEC was about to turn on her sizer when she received a blow to her wrist and the pain started to bother her.

— I finally found you, — Tammy said.

BEC jumped back and found herself surrounded.

— Apparently you fell right into our trap.

The black eyes startled most FBI agents like they were some wild animal they'd never dealt with, but Tammy had been used to them since that night.

— Do you really think you can stop me? — After everything we've been through?

— Well said... we passed...

Tammy tried to attack her, however, the black-eyed girl was incomparably faster and the blow was not fatal, as her defense instinct acted almost as fast, but it was enough to save herself.

— Don't think that just because you almost killed me once you can do it again, luck doesn't always help twice in a row against the same opponent.

— Luck doesn't always knock twice on the same door.

— And who said it was luck? — Just because you don't know supernatural things doesn't mean you can call everything lucky.

— Let's skip certain details, the important thing is that you showed up and I can settle this once and for all.

She charged again, however, one of the agents at her side managed to block the blow and pulled her away from Tammy.

JOHN HAD THE BOX and component in his hands as he watched the girl nimbly try to free herself from the trap.

That's why I've always shot people like her in the knee... first the mission and then the ego...

— Aren't you planning on going there...

John smiled at the challenge.

— It wouldn't be a bad idea.

— It's not really a bad idea, it's a really bad idea...

But John was already running towards her.