FATHER DENNER WAS BORN in a small village in Bahia, one of his few faithful friends was hunger and misery.

Having survived in that hostile environment was the most faithful proof for him to know that his life was a great masterpiece in God's hands.

Denner was fourteen years old when he set foot in a Catholic cathedral for the first time in his life, he had run away from home and decided to pursue his big dream, but while planting the most diverse types of cactus to be able to eat.

His parents were not to blame for him living in that situation, the great truth is that they embraced that life and firmly decided not to change, they cauterized his mind, but the life that existed outside that reality was waiting for him with open arms, but in the same way he was expecting an attitude from him, and Denner, as much as he loved his parents, that love was preventing him from getting to know the world outside the sertão.

HIS BARE FEET FELT the cold marble on the callused plant, a sensation hitherto unknown to him, and one that would be a ritual to be followed for the rest of his life from that moment on.

Everyone around him looked at him surprised to see a boy dressed as a beggar in that place with the purest contempt that a human being could manage to do, however, in his innocence and deceived by the beauty of the place, such detail went completely unnoticed.

— Can I help you, son? — Said the priest.

The boy ignored the priest, just paying attention to every detail so rich in colors and sensations.

The priest looked closely at her face and saw a tear roll down her cheek.

— You like it here?

He looked at the priest as if in a dream.

— You like it here? repeated the priest.

'It's a beautiful dream,' whispered the boy, 'I never thought such a thing could exist.

The priest was thoughtful for a few moments and decided to show him the pictures in a book.

The boy nodded and then said:

— It's the most beautiful thing there is.

The priest smiled sheepishly at the boy's innocence.

— This is a fairly simple church.

— Nothing can be that simple if God dwells here.

The priest received that like a mule kick in the face.

— God indeed dwells here — and he placed his hand on the boy's chest — in your heart, you are the church that God dwells.

The boy smiled happily.

— What do you see, son? — He showed the photos of the room where the Pope received people.

— Does this place exist? '

— Yes there is...

— Wow!!!

— It was here that a Pope knelt down and kissed the feet of Francis of Assisi.

— And is this Francisco still alive?— It must be nice for someone important to kneel down and kiss your feet.

— What's your name, son?

— Denner.

— Why did you come in here?

— Because I want to be a priest.

— Have you ever talked to anyone about this?

— Ahamm !!! With God.