ACCORDING TO BERNARDO, he didn't have much time until he had to activate the device, if he took too long it would be the end not only of him, but of the priest as well.

If he was really a priest...

But something said he really was a priest.

Sandro left his body straight, diving into the blue immensity to gain more speed and reach him...

Luckily, the priest was with his body straight and arms open against the wind, slowing down as much as he could to delay his final moment a little, he must have been praying or something, getting ready to enter the dreamed paradise that faith Judeo-Christian fervently preached, when he felt a blow as if he had been hit by a meteor in the full immensity of the heavens, but that blow had been more protective than threatened...

— HOLD ON ME,— Sandro shouted in the priest's ear and pulled the rope.

At that exact moment he felt a force pull him up and soon after he felt that the parachute had not taken the hit and the weight and tore the canvas, then they fell again, but this time with nothing that could save them...

Fuck... — Thought Sandro fighting with himself not to say any bad words, but it was the only thing that came to his mind...