THE PARACHUTE COVER managed to dampen a minimum and luckily they were very close to the sea, something around two floors high, which absolutely nothing happened, Sandro was not a very good swimmer, but he managed to remove his backpack and float calmly, in addition to holding the priest who was unconscious.

Right after that he could see two things, one was Karina parachuting gently down beside him.

— You need to get your backpack off before you hit the water, — he yelled and she did exactly as he asked, falling into the water, having been raised on a farm, she could swim like few others, but as soon as she joined them, a submarine emerged. of water bearing a visible and extravagant swastika.

The hatch at the top opened and an officer that Sandro soon recognized was the same one who had appeared with Hitler on the football field...


— You have two options, Mr. Palmeira, you can help us or you can just die here.

Nice options gave me...

— Not even a welcome hello? — If you want to fuck me, at least kiss me.

The Nazi officer still looked unfriendly.

— I don't have much time for unnecessary pleasantries, know that you, in my opinion, are a necessary evil.

— Is that a compliment or a reprimand?

— Interpret as you like, I don't give a damn.

— What are we going to do, Sandro?

— We were only given one option...

He thought for two seconds without finding any other way out than to do what they wanted.

— I'll do what I can...

Kammler threw a rope and pulled them into the boat, minutes later they were all in clean clothes at a table filled with one of the best meals that Sandro and Karina had ever tasted.

— What are you going to do with the priest?

— He served us well, I'm still analyzing, maybe kill him quickly, maybe need him for some more mission for which his miserable life will pay the necessary price.

— You wanted him to die in the explosion from the start, didn't you?

— Of course… it's the least we could do, a sinful man like him should never exercise his priestly office.

They found some loophole in his life and used him as a scapegoat... so he really is a priest...

— My condition in helping them is exactly not to touch the priest's life, there is no need for him to be killed.

— For now I must agree, but if you don't bring me what I want, I will simply kill everyone, including your wife and child.

Sandro nodded, remembering the man who was in his house.

So he's some sort of double or triple agent at this point...

SANDRO PALMEIRA WAS alone with the Nazi officer.

— May I at least know where we're going?

— For our base in Antarctica, there is someone who ardently wants to see you again.

— Meet me again?

— It's time to know the whole truth, Mr. Palmeira.

SANDRO lay down on the bed, but he couldn't get to sleep, his mind was too agitated, he looked at the priest sleeping with one of his arms bandaged, as he had broken his left arm in the fall.

It's time to know the whole truth...