KARINA WAS GETTING ON VR10 and waved at Maria.

It's important that you get out of here, my dear, soon this will turn to hell and I don't want you to be a part of it...

Marianne and Karina sat opposite each other.

— So, Karina, what do you work with?

— I think you know the answer, you don't have to be sarcastic either.

Marianne smiled for the first time.

— It is undeniable that you have our Orsic blood.

— Why did your mother treat you that way?

— Because I had your grandfather killed, and she resents it.

— In this case, your brother.

— Superfluous details.

Marianne felt her hands tighten.

— So... it was you... the plane...

Marianne smiled again.

— Let's say I have my own interests, but for now you're my guest, I can't do anything against you since my mother woke up, if I lay a finger on you, I'm a dead woman, I think you understand my position right now.

— Is she that dangerous?

— Have you ever heard of Nikola Tesla? — Marianne said cutting the subject.

She denied with her head.

— He was a genius, even though he was in America heavily guarded by the FBI and CIA, my mother here in the Arctic Pole, the two could see and talk to each other daily, the two were more than two hundred years apart from their realities, the two transited through the fourth dimension freely...

— Fourth dimension?

— The God dimension... a place where time as we know it does not exist, just to make it easier to interpret, we live in a 3D reality, I think you've heard something about that.

She nodded.

— Okay, so, simplifying, a 3D reality you transit in three directions, front, side and height, in the divine dimension, there is depth, this factor makes time travel, for example, a reality, that is why that biblical authors say that God is eternal, because he is in a different dimension from ours.

Karina tried to absorb as much as she could, but her ignorance was limiting her.

— For now this is not important for you to understand... it was just to illustrate about Tesla and his grandmother, even today we can't understand their experiments and inventions, they shaped our reality, few people in the history of humanity managed to do that, and even so, in different periods of humanity, though, my mother has a surprise factor.

— Like this?

— Let's say that a superior intelligence guides her in everything, it's called SUMI, she doesn't like to talk much about it herself, some people said that Tesla also communicated with extraterrestrial beings who were said to be Martians.

— Is that why we're on a UFO?

— almost this... this ship actually has advanced non-human technology, at least non-current, so to speak, however, it was built by us, and only the Germans stop it, the Americans ignored Tesla, leaving him to die in the most complete misery, and for that they are about to pay a high price for it, my mother almost had a similar ending, because she had to go into hibernation to be important for the mission, otherwise, she would have to sell herself to the Americans like most scientists Germans after WWII... But this technology is actually inspired by alien technology found in the Black Forest in Freiburg in 1936, we did some reverse experiments until we got to the technology we had, and in a matter of months, we evolved hundreds of years into the future.

Marianne knew that the girl did not understand anything she was saying about technology.

— In a way, you seem to admire your mother.

— It's obvious, she's one of the five smartest people in the last two hundred years, maybe in the history of humanity, equaling names like Tesla, Hawkins and Einstein, her novelties in the gravitational area have never been reached today, but as I said, she's not does it alone, has help, and it is this helper that we are most interested in.

— The SUMI thing?

— That's right.

— And do you have any idea who it is?

— A few times this humanoid entity claimed to be from a distant galaxy, from a planet that orbits the star of Aldebaram, in the constellation of Taurus, to be more precise, according to the voice, the SUMI were a humanoid race that would have colonized the Earth. Earth five hundred million years ago. While Maria was still in a trance, she scribbled several odd-looking lines and marks. These marks turned out to be ancient Sumerian characters, the language of the founders of Babylon's oldest culture, the mother of all cultures, I believe you've heard of the Tower of Babel.

She nodded.

— Babel … Babylon … several languages… all of these are intertwined.

— How crazy is that.

Marianne laughed at the girl's ignorance.

— As Shakespeare would say:

— There are more things between heaven and earth than your vain philosophy can conceive...

The ship ascended and in the blink of an eye disappeared from view.