— FAR AS I KNOW, you must already know that after the war many of us ventured into South America.

— Of course…until you drowned.

Mengele smiled, satisfied that his stratagem had worked.

— Well, I did a lot of research, I left the most diverse clues that we would still be alive, just see a cross in the Amazon written — Joseph Greiner — and the Nazi swastika, despite the date being written 1935/37, only many years after it was actually discovered, so we were able to do many experiences throughout Brazil, and one of them was you.

— You can only be crazy...

— Interpret it this way, if you want, however, I know that you know of an episode in your childhood that disappeared and no one knew of its whereabouts, which is obvious, who would investigate the disappearance of a child in the scorching backlands of the Northeast, a precarious place, without the slightest frame, son of two little men, it was then that you appeared with a slight change, your eyes green from the Anunnaki blood I injected into you.

— Anunnaki?

— The master race that created mankind, or do you really believe that there is a mighty and omnipotent God who made a man out of clay, and after his rib made a woman, and through that, the entire human race made the rest?

— It's a possibility.

— Nonexistent, by the way, but going back... this race, through genetic alterations, made us differentiate ourselves from the other animals that existed on the face of the earth, and thanks to one of our brightest members, we had access to these documents that were always available, however, we didn't have the key that broke the code, but now we have it and we know the whole truth.

— Is that why you're still alive today?

— More or less that... as you may have noticed, I've done experiments on myself, but I still haven't mastered genetics with total perfection of when I did it on you, let's say it's an evolution of myself, but we have different purposes, but we're not here to talk about me, are we?

— Why do I feel like you brought me here on purpose?

— Because it's the truth... let's say you and I are different sides of the same coin, I'm the brains behind everything and you are the force that will make our plans work, after all, you are the first experiment with blood Anunnaki that worked.

— Explain this better.

— Not now... let's say that in time you will know everything, for now, I wanted you to know that it is very good to have you by our side again and that your success makes me very proud.

— Why can't I believe you?

— I should, because it's the truth... after all, I made you cross half the world, would you do it for nothing? You're too expensive a project for me to bring you here and shove blatant lies down your throat... do you want proof that I'm telling the truth?

Sandro didn't say anything, but his gaze gave him away.

Mengele pulled out his holstered pistol, aimed and fired at his own hand, which Sandro saw was simply not part of our reality, immediately the wound began to heal, it was as if he were watching a 3D science fiction movie.

— I doubt I ever noticed that.

— I just thought you were too smart never to hurt me.

— It's called instinct, more or less, like cats that always land on their feet, the fact that you don't get hurt proves that the Anunnaki blood that runs through your veins makes you different, but this is basically the same thing as cutting.— the body of a snake and seeing it grow later, however, I only accelerated the process, and now the fact of getting hurt and immediately being healed is already a bonus that we have.

Anunnaki blood can live much longer than the vast majority of people, after all, they never noticed that the first people described in the Bible, at least until Noah, lived more than five hundred years and, suddenly, God decides that they will not live that much longer? No... If there were an almighty God who created something, he wouldn't regret what he did, after all, if He is perfect, everything He does is pure perfection, but science explains everything, Sandro Palmeira, it simply explains everything...

The Führer was silently following all the details of the conversation in amazement, he knew that Mengele had managed to achieve fantastic results, but that was immortality itself, or very close to it.