SANDRO, JOHN AND MARIA ENTERED the ship and he was amazed by all that technology, it looked like he was in a Star Trek ship.

— Excuse me, Orsic, — said an officer.

— You can talk, Otto.

— I'm sorry, but the old man will have to accompany us.

Maria rolled her eyes and after a few seconds she was back to normal.

— You can go with him, nothing will happen to you.

John nodded and followed the man.

I don't know why I know him from somewhere...

— John,— Maria said, — this is the man who killed Nikola Tesla.

SHE PUT ON A KIND OF METALLIC crown, gave some commands in a language he had no idea what it was, and the ship began to take on a life of its own.

— Please have a seat.

He sat up, but realized something was missing.

— Doesn't this bag have a seat belt?

— No need, the gravitational technology inside that enclosure prevents any unnatural force from acting for the safety of the crew, it's technology that is not yet available to conventional humans, maybe a hundred years from now it will be available, when the fiction films begin to become real, flying cars, for example, will use this kind of technology that was made available to us by higher beings before the Second World War.

— Like this?

— Try to punch me.

— Don't play.

She smiled gently without the slightest concern.

— Try.

The tone was now one of defiance.

Sandro tried to throw a punch, but it was as if someone or something was literally stopping him.

— The force in here follows two patterns, the normal and the gravitational, we have several scanners that constantly scan any and all actions that happen inside, simply any action by a crew member, or external action, automatically causes reverse this, so, if this spacecraft crashes, the gravitational action itself prevents our bodies from being thrown, this is without a doubt the safest transport vehicle on the planet, perhaps, of the Milky Way at that moment.

— Sorry, but it's too fanciful, for example, could you have sex in here?

— Of course... with the utmost naturalness, because the sensors will perceive the increase in the heartbeat and the natural movements of a sexual relationship, so it allows the bodies to move naturally, maybe it wouldn't be possible to do something a little wilder, like some slaps and punches, but a mom and dad, you can do it quietly.

— I still find it all a little crazy.

— There's only one way for you to believe me, then.

She motioned to John dressed as an SS officer who withdrew his pistol from his holster, pointed it at Sandro's chest and pulled the trigger.