DENNER FOLLOWED THE OFFICER to the Führer's office.

— Heil Hitler.

The man gave the Nazi salute and was returned.

— As you ordered, Führer.

He nodded and the officer left.

— I believe you know who I am, don't you, Father?

— If it wasn't in front of me, I wouldn't believe it.

— It's good to be like this... I knew that when I was a child I was saved by a priest from drowning.

— Doing good without looking at whom… isn't it?

— For those who are at the gates of Hades, it's pretty quiet, isn't it?

— When you have God in your heart, things like that are irrelevant.

— My dear priest, I am god... I have the world in my hands now, they have tried to kill me more than forty times and do you know what happened? I am here, ahead of my time, with the most powerful weapon that humanity has ever had the incredible ability to make, and if you still believe in a God in heaven, who reigns over all things, then believe that He put me in the throne of the world and this button here is my scepter.

— A man's arrogance always causes his own ruin.

— Is that why you're here, Father?

— Perhaps only God can answer that question.

— Have I told you I'm god?