The mountain

Later that day, while walking the path through the forest, Nessa smiled as she noticed blossom flowers hanging from the trees in a variety of colors creating a beautiful overhang. 

"They're cherry blossoms, and they're lovely," Nessa said as the sun went down, and Riki smiled.

"Just look what's going to happen now," He replied as the moon appeared and the light shone on the flowers, which all glowed their own colors, and she smiled.

"This is just incredible," She exclaimed and he patted her on the shoulder.

"We have to keep going, we're getting close to the snow mountain, which is why it's getting cold," He replied, and she sighed.

"You are right, we have to keep on going, come on," She said as she walked away and he followed her. 

While walking, Nessa started feeling hungry and her stomach started grumbling then she came to a halt and looked at Riki. 

"What's the matter?" He asked.