
The chiefess didn't know what to say after hearing what Nessa said, so she just smiled and lowered her head.

"You are a crazy young woman, you are brave and don't mind putting yourself in danger to protect what you love, you put your people first, you are the perfect leader for them, isn't she?" Riki sighed and smiled after the chiefess asked. 

"Yes, she is the perfect leader for us, I am not the only one who thinks that, she is different from other leaders," Riki responded, and Nessa smiled before patting him on the shoulder, and he smirked as the chiefess smiled.

"Yeah, I thought as much, tell me, do you want our help to fight them off?" She asked. 

"That and if possible..." Nessa responded. 

"Perhaps you could consider becoming her subordinates," Riki suggested, and Nessa smiled.

"Subordinates huh?" She asked as she looked at her people then sighed and looked around at the cave before lowering her head.