To help

They all knew what Yanka had told them was true, and they all wanted to get stronger to protect her, even Riki and his kind, despite not knowing whether they would stay or not.

"I will take her home now," Riki said and they smiled then he took her to her house and gently placed her on her bed before locking up her house properly and leaving. 

Nessa slept peacefully that night, free of nightmares, and her body aches subsided as well.

When she awoke the next morning, she stretched and yawned before getting out of bed and looking in the mirror, then jumped at how her hair looked and sighed before going to the bathroom to freshen up and go about her normal morning routine.

Nessa dressed and went to the kitchen, where she grabbed a banana to eat before starting to make her breakfast, which was pancakes since she had the ingredients and felt like making them.