
Nessa knew Yanka was a bit sneaky when it came to training, but she also knew that Aion and the others couldn't train the easy way, so she got up and went to Aion with the others and patted Aion on the head, and he smiled at her.

"You guys want to get stronger right?" She asked. 

"Yes, we do," He responded. 

"Good then you should know the easy way won't help that much, not against Yanka, to get what you want, sometimes you have to work very hard, harder than others or usual, but if you truly want it, you have to give it your best shot," She said and Yanka smiled at Aion sighed then raised his sword up and pointed it towards Yanka. 

"I get your message my lady, we won't give up either," Aion replied and Nessa chuckled then looked at Yanka who smiled before bowing his head and she went back to sit down on the rock. 

"Are you ready?" Yanka asked and Aion's eyes narrowed as he looked at him.

"Yes," Aion responded.