A warning

After hearing what the person had to saw and recognizing him, Nessa's sword appeared in her hand as she stared right at him. 

She didn't know who he was at the time, but Nessa didn't like when people sneak up on her like that especially those that seemed dangerous to her and at that moment it was him. 

"I don't know who you are nor do I care why you are here, I am not in a joking mood and I will hurt you if you come any closer," Nessa said and he chuckled.

"Damn, you are quite amusing aren't you? You won't be able to hurt me that easily so don't worry about that," He replied as she got up from the bed and a smirked appeared on his face as she formed a barrier around Isamu and Terou. 

"You really do love these creatures, that's nice, don't worry, like I said, I am not here to hurt anyone but I will give you a slight warning," He said and her eyes narrowed. 

"Warning?" She asked as he stared at her then sighed.