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Seeing Nessa's reaction to his warning, he chuckled and she exhaled deeply before standing up after he stood up. 

Nessa knew he was right and intended on heeding his warning but there was another thing bothering her, one which he had to ask since she wouldn't find any answer elsewhere. 

"I will heed your warning, but why did you took it upon yourself, the hassle to warn me?" She asked and he glanced at her before fixing his hood which she noticed he wouldn't take off and she couldn't see his face. 

"Because I want to see how far you are really willing to go, it's not a hassle, is there anything else you want to ask me before I leave?" He asked as she yawned as her eyes began closing due to which she started seeing blurry. 

"A green diamond... What do you know about it or do you even know about it?" She asked and he chuckled.