Within her

The prince let his guard down for a few minutes because he had to help a few people and due to that, the king decided to take advantage of the moment and captured the prince. 

"I suggest you guys stop fighting or he gets it," The king said as the others looked at each other then Ian gnashed his teeth. 

"He is not stronger than I am but he is stronger than you guys, now, do you want me to hurt him?" The king asked as the chains wrapped around the prince tighter, squeezing his body and the others backed off and the king chuckled. 

"You guys are so pathetic, you have weaknesses which enemies could just exploit and no matter how strong you are, you will become weak because of that, you should all just stop caring," He said as the prince glared as him and the prince's eyes began glowing brightly and the glow started spreading across his body and the others looked at him and he smiled.