The fog created

"Nessa, you have the diamond?" The prince asked and she glanced at him then smiled. 

"Protect yourselves," Nessa responded as the king and his fiancee's body began glowing brightly and they smiled at Nessa. 

"Let's see how strong you are, fight us alone, no one else involved, my men will take care of them, they are strong, don't underestimate them guys," The king said as he and the girl pulled back and Nessa went after them as the others looked at the men and the prince gnashed his teeth. 

They wanted to help Nessa and Nessa wanted to help them as well, but at the moment she knew she had to fight the king and his fiancee and hoped the others will be fine. 

"Guild members, don't hesitate to kill," The prince said as the guild members gathered around with smiles on their faces. 

"As you wish!" They shouted as the enemies began using high level attacks against them, but that they handled since they were not weak.