The Towers: The Mightiest Being in Fiction Part 1

everything is in chaos and a guy named Pennibernek. who looks like the hornless king scaled with yellow eyes and full of galaxies all over his body, defeats the great high priest of the comic book trilogy that adapt the bible the one above all from Marvel that has script manipulation and absolute. And Pennibernek after defeating the one above all says:

—Reader I will master fiction and its supposed real world

will and appears the Gan from the dark tower is the beyoder of Marvel and several SCP beings.

— Do you want to be beaten inside or outside the black tower?

Said Pennibernek.

— I brought the beybuxa to catch. Said the Pennibernek

but why did this happen?

he broke the fourth wall and threatened readers.

first to explain who is Pennibernek have to explain the cosmology of the towers so that's the name of the book the towers and the rest of the name.

in each different space-time there is a tower there is infinite space-time with infinite towers each tower has infinite floors each floor is formed by infinite constructs each construct is equivalent to infinite deserts where each atom of the grain of sand is equivalent to an omni verses outside the towers has infinite otherverses Pennibernek transcends all the cosmology and hierarchy of this verse unlike other characters he does not lose power outside his verse even in neutral or from other characters he retains power.

Each tower has a guardian not all are humanoid.

Even the weakest of guardians have the power to destroy a tower with the thought, many guardians have it has a multiverse and pocket-sized dimensions.

if they are good or evil it doesn't matter they just have to follow a rule whoever fails to protect their tower and abandons it will cease to exist will be destroyed by the supreme creator, Pennibernek was one of the strongest guardians but he didn't support all guardians to live without purpose just a slave path of the supreme creator and wanted to be free and rule everything like her then he abandoned the tower and fled to other DC, Marvel, SCP beings and devoured thousands of verses of fiction a day he became so powerful and acquired new abilities but he wanted to stay strong to get revenge on the supreme creator for having been her slave in her vision.

His true form departed from the cosmology of his verse but he left an avatar. a physical form inside the tower from Benelebo a guardian who is second only to Pennibernek and the supreme creator that Pennibernek regards as a rival. This avatar stopped in a universe in Brazil before humans existed and used its powers to create a city totally influenced and controlled by him this city is called Melonylde. Three years before the battle, we go to 1989 a few days before four teenagers killed their their avatar and tell the story of their avatar's death for them, these teenagers were: Eduarda, who is a brunette with straight hair, height 1.69 and is 13 years old and is raised by her father because her mother died killed himself in front of her with a gun when she was four years old with a man in black who she saw and started laughing.

Paulo is 11 years old is white is 1.64 tall has brown hair and wants to find the man in black who kidnapped his sister two years ago.

Maria is white, 14 years old and 1.70 tall with black hair, her parents died in a fire and she lives with her aunt.

Vinicius is white has hair curly and black is 1.70 tall, lives with biological parents

The four of them have been friends since childhood. One day, I was walking home from school while they were talking.saw Enzo a boy who bullied so hard that they killed two boys but got away with it.

Enzo wasn't alone he was with his friends when he saw the four he said:

—Behind them they ran out but Enzo's three friends were reached, João and Pablo held Paulo so that Enzo could hit him.behind them they ran away but Enzo's three friends were reached, João and Pablo held Paulo so that Enzo could hit him.

"Where do you think you were going, you bastard?"

said Enzo.

-you don't care you fucking asshole

said Paulo.

- Shut the fuck up

said Enzo

- hit them

Said Enzo.

They started beating the four Enzo grabbed Eduarda, opened the zipper and started trying to take off her clothes. Paulo saw the stone 1 meter away from him Pablo was hitting him.

Paulo kicked Pablo's ball away, took the stone and ran towards Enzo and threw the stone with all his strength at Enzo.

—Stay away from Eduarda you son of a bitch.

said Paulo

Vinícius punched João who was beating him and ran towards Enzo threw the stone with all his strength at Enzo.

—Stay away from Eduarda, you son of a bitch.

said Paulo.

Vinícius punched João who was hitting him and ran towards Enzo and kicked him in the balls.

then Enzo took a knife from his pocket and hit Paulo in the leg and took the knife out of the leg Vinícius punched João who was hitting him and ran towards Enzo and kicked him in the balls.

so Enzo took a knife from his pocket and hit Paulo's leg and pulled the knife from his leg and said:

- Look what you did. while pointing to the stone wound on his head

-I will kill you

said Enzo

The four started running from Enzo.

Paulo was fast but because of the wound he was being caught by Enzo so he ran a block towards a lake when arrived at the lake jumped into the water and dived to escape Enzo saw it but lost sight of him he left the water and went towards the forest and saw a cave but went to Maria's house.

About that Vinícius was also going to Maria's house after losing one of Enzo's friends with beans (beans is not a nickname)

on the way he saw a man in black, who called him he and said:

boy come here help me please.

Vinicius was going to the man but saw blood on his neck and saw a human finger ripping someone off in his hand. Vinicius ran out then the man in black ran after him his appearance changed out of nowhere his teeth looked like a beast and his face turned totally black in his hands his fingers became claw shape he stretched out his arm like he was Luffy from one piece,

reached out and grabbed his arm the claws were scratching him so he bit the man in black's arm and broke free and ran away .while being followed by the man in black

—Come back here Vinicius, said the man in black

In his thoughts Vinícius said to himself

—How does he know my name?

and in a voice Auta spoke:

—What are you?

and man in black said

"I am Pennibernek, the most powerful creature in existence.

Vinícius ran, he was going to run to the police station more

next but when he noticed the Pennibernek monster disappeared out of nowhere Maria and Eduarda after losing João and Pablo went to Maria's house.Paulo and Vinícius knew they the would that they would meet there so go straight there.

Arriving there when the four of them were there Vinícius told what happened, he said:

—The man dressed in black called me saying he needed help so I was going there but I saw a bloodstain on him then I saw a human finger ripping someone off I saw I thought a serial killer but he was a monster he stretched his hand very far and tried to pull me by the leg but i managed to escape, his face started to change and look like a monster with hundreds all black and with claw-shaped nails.

Paulo did not believe at first, but when he heard the man in black he said:

-Man in black? describe it

then Vinicius began to detail:

— wore black clothes a black hat and white fur before getting into monstrous form.

Paulo realized that the description matched that of the man who kidnapped his sister, even the monster part when the man in black kidnapped his sister he couldn't move like a force to stop him the guy got a monstrous appearance (but he thought it was his mind that did it), as Vinicius detailed.

Maria also remembered the man in black who set fire to the house where she lived and killed her parents.

Then she started laughing and disappeared.

Eduarda saw the man in black when her mother killed herself and said:

— When I was four years old, a man in black appeared at the house, my mother it's her took one a pistol and if he killed himself he started laughing his normal teeth will turn hundreds of teeth out of nowhere and he is gone.

Then the four realized he was a monster.

The next day they went to a library and studied the history of the city a man in black

it was always related to some book about the city. Then out of nowhere a headless figure with a cut neck attacked them and went on top of Paulo they started to hang them and a head started to grow on his neck it was the head of the man in black so Maria took the chair one of the sitting tables to read in the library and started hitting the man in black Vinícius was trying to get his hands off Paulo's neck so Eduarda grabbed his head and broke it the neck making him release Paulo who went over to him and started hitting him the four realized that he is not just a monster but a supernatural being.Paulo wanting an answer said:

—what are you? And what did you do with my sister?

and the man replied:

—I already said I'm Pennibernek the most powerful creature in existence, and I killed your sister I remember every person's face and names of every person I've killed, of their cries of agony suffering

and I devoured her while I was alive and if I want when I want I manipulate adults and children and I make them do cruelty.

Hearing this, Paulo got a hateful expression, he was full of rage and started shouting at Pennibernek:

—I'm going to kill you you motherfucker I'm going to kill you I'm going to kill you.

Then tentacles of Pennibernek began to wrap around him a single employee who was in the library arrived and saw what was happening but there was no reaction time one of the six tentacles that were coming out of the monster's I went through her neck and she fell to the floor and liters of blood started to come out of the huge hole in her neck. Her tentacles were hard and sharp not just wet tentacles. One of the tentacles slowly started to stretch and pierce Paulo's arm while four other tentacles hold Paulo's legs and arms. against the ceiling. Maria kept hitting the Pennibernek monster with the chair, she hit until she broke a piece of the chair a piece was not that sharp but if hit too hard it could pierce something. So Eduarda took this piece of wood from the chair with the tip and the thread with all that force in the head of the monster Pennibernek its tentacles that were supporting Paulo to up and piercing his arms little by little they fell to the ground along with Paulo. The monster took Paul's tentacles and started to try to run away, Paulo angry with him also tried to go he only ran behind him and managed to get into a room and when Paulo got there he had disappeared. So I want a supernatural creature, which they understood fed on people and took pleasure in torturing them they went home when they left there they were very scared but also wanted to kill a monster Pennibernek,Paulo before going home bought pocket, the pocket was a little big to fit the pocketknife which was 12 cm, it depends on killing the Pennibernek monster, the next day leaving school the four prentedia are at the house of vinicius

In Enzo's house it looks like a guy in black who is the Pennibernek monster but he only manipulates Enzo and makes him kill his own father with a knife when they realize this he just runs away. that he doesn't feel remorse he even liked that feeling of having killed someone he decided he wanted to kill the four and forgot that there was a man in black there maybe because simply he had erased that memory of Enzo. In the afternoon that day the four met at Vinícius' house when they arrived there Eduarda spoke

—Did you hear what he said he manipulates you adults and children no one if not us could do anything to kill him so I think we stayed matalo.

Vinicius said:

—So what guarantees that he can't manipulate us like all other people at least more than a thousand years alive for the books in the library in those thousand years surely several people must have tried to kill because what could we?

Maria replied:

surely he would have tried to manipulate us the moment we found him and started beating him we managed to hurt him he certainly could have realized he couldn't manipulate us.

Paulo said:

He might not have tried us because he underestimates us, maybe underestimates us.

could be a chance for us to kill him.

Vinicius said:

—Even if we could kill him, we don't know where he is.

Maria said:

—Maybe we don't need to, he's definitely going to come after us.

Vinicius said:

—But he might come after us at random.

What if he catches us when we're off guard?

—Then we'll love each other so we'll always have a gun if he tries to catch us,- Maria said.

"How are we going to get weapons?" - said Eduarda

—Let's buy pocketknives and knives, anything that will help us hurt and kill him - Paulo said.

—Then it's decided, let's kill him - said Vinicius .

the next day they went to school and were already leaving when they found Enzo and his three friends Pablo João and Bean who were threatening to shoot, knowing what perhaps his friends would not be able to flee if they had not gone the same way that he Paul spoke:

-follow me.

and they ran a block towards the lake Enzo shot three times but I go all the shots and they managed to get to the lake and jump there but Enzo kept chasing Enzo's friends they realized he was going too far they thought the gun was just to scare with the shots but they realized that Enzo wanted to kill them joão said:

—stop Enzo

—Never antagonize me again - Enzo said.

after Enzo said that he simply threw João Pablo and beans with the gun and killed them.

Paulo was armed with his father's gun, but he didn't think he would need to take out anyone other than the monster but after seeing all that he took the gun and decided to shoot Enzo he shot.

but he couldn't hit full but it grazed his arm and then they jumped into the lake.

Enzo then out of nowhere took the gun and shot it is a guy who was passing by car near the street then he simply took the body out of the car got into the car and started driving around the side around the lake. While the four were crossing the lake to try to escape from there when they crossed they saw the cave but Enzo arrived by car started shooting and to protect themselves they entered the cave, Enzo to follow them entered the cave when they entered there the exit disappeared as if they were in a dead end space and Pennibernek appeared.

—I'm going to kill every single one of you fuckers

Said Pennibernek.

"I manipulate the whole town because you think I couldn't just fix you.

—You can't manipulate us, you've demonstrated this several times for some reason you can't manipulate us - Vinicius said.

then Pennibernek starts touching the four first Eduardo then Paulo then Maria finally Vinícius when he touches his eyes they go totally white and they start to float they were in an illusion Eduarda's illusion shows him simply managing to defeat Pennibernek, after defeating Maria and Vinícius they leave for their homes and Eduardo and Paulo stay only in Eduarda's house, then Paulo of this illusion speaks:

—I love you since our childhood, please do you want to date me?

—I want - says Eduarda .

this illusion shows what they wanted, Eduarda wanted it because since childhood she was in love with Paulo but she thought he wouldn't want her because she was old and taller or I just thought he wouldn't want her, she's not the beautiful model she's just the normal girl like any other at least that's what she thinks.

in Maria's illusion she is in her childhood and then she she was with her parents the day is perfect but normal for her everything is fine until a man in black. In Eduarda's illusion, a man in black also appears, he stretches his mouth, his hundreds of thousands of teeth appear He simply rips his mouth off Paulo's head then Edward starts to cry. In Maria's illusion, the man in black simply cuts off her parents' heads with a knife in one go. Maria gets very scared and starts to run. in illusion by Paulo He simply sees himself killing a Pennibernek monster having his revenge and ends up meeting his sister as normal but he is nothing a Pennibernek monster appears and kills his sister and her friends. Paulo is upset. In Vinicius' illusion he sees his parents being good people not the usual ones who beat him and treat him badly father is an alcoholic and his mother is a drug addict but this illusion is nothing like that suddenly a man in black appears Vinícius says:

"What are you doing, you stupid monster?"

"I'm not going to fall for that so easily.

then Vinicius punch the monster and wakes up from the illusion Vinicius was always smarter and cold of the four he, always thought before doing something very smart don't fall for it. When leaving the illusion he takes the knife and hits Pennibernek in the head, and everyone leaves the illusion and comes the body of Enzo dead and that of the library woman that Pennibernek killed. Then Eduarda Maria and Vinícius go at Pennibernek with their knives and hit him but Pennibernek uses the tentacles and throws them away, so Paulo takes the pistol and hits Pennibernek three shots in the head and hits a shot in his heart then several blades come out of Pennibernek and are launched towards the four accepting everyone's arms but one of the blades hits Paulo's eye and even his heart but he just reloads the gun and continues shooting at Pennibernek.

Then the cave disappears, and Pennibernek becomes giant.

—Enough, I'll kill you once and for all - said Pennibernek.

and tries to step on them crushed but something stops them,

it was Paulo who stopped his giant foot that was going to step on them with one hand. And with a punch from Paulo Pennibernek he returns to normal size and is thrown away, then Pennibernek realizes because he got strong out of nowhere he was being helped by Benelebo, so he couldn't control them. This time Benelebo was giving power to Paulo. Paulo starts beating Pennibernek who even creates a blade and crosses Paulo's chest, but Paulo continues beating him with supernatural force until he grabs his neck and rips his head and puts his hand in Pennibernek's chest and rips out his heart then rips off his legs arms starts covering Pennibernek's body with a yellow energy that he was emanating and releases Pennibernek and returns to normal without any power, Vinícius and Maria disappear being teleported out of nowhere and Paulo begins to die from his injuries then Eduarda puts Paulo head in his lap and says:

—I have to tell you something, I love you since our childhood I always wanted to be with you because I love you and now I'm going to lose you.

and Paulo answers her:

—I can't send what you hear, but I can fix it.

then Paulo brings his face close to Eduarda's and kisses her. And then a shadow covering the entire planet was the Pennibernek in the form that we saw at the beginning of the book holding the head of Benelebo and then they are teleported to a place where a woman who heals Paul's wounds and explains:

— the real Pennibernek has returned to rule it all.

It continues in part 2 that another novel is coming out soon called The towers: the most powerful being in fiction part 2

to those who read this spread this to the novel stay famous, I started writing on August 21, 2022 and finished on August 29, 2022 (in the original Brazilian version) I will release another version of this novel in English.

this will be a trilogy of novels the third novel will be called The towers: the conclusion please whoever reads this spread it on their social networks about this novel so it becomes famous which helps me a lot.

thank you to those who read and to those who will help the novel become famous.

Part two might be the longest and will go deeper and develop Pennibernek part three maybe

be the shortest will be the conclusion.

All the novels I release not only the towers will be connected